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Chilli Red

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Posts posted by Chilli Red

  1. Looks great Mark :thumbs: but don't tell Raymond :lol:


    Varis Carbon Lip £405.00 plus delivery or collect it and you never know we may just fit it for free too ;)


    Shine Auto Amuse Carbon Fibre diffuser £580 plus delivery. This will only fit on the Amuse bumper though.

  2. If its a decission on butties, they will be on the go all day :teeth:

    That's cool stuff.


    I just wanted to get a feel for what is gonna be most likely gonna be, thus maximising my chances of meeting some people from here.

    Unless of course people are gonna be hanging around all day (doubt that tho)


    You are welcome to hang around as long as you like. We have mod days here and they go on all day, so if you have something that needs fitting, bring it along and fit it while you are here, sure someone will be around to help and we have most of the tools etc.


    H5 - would be good to see you again and have a proper listen to that sound system I only got a quick listen to as you were leaving last time!

  3. No standard Chilli Red paint, but with a Do-Luck kit on.




    Good luck with the search. That one looks good in print, you need to have a look see. Rosso Red is not a bold, so check and see which it is. Could be a Chilli just registered late, can't tell from the photo. Post up any other ads you see. Loads of people on here happy to give you advise, plus might even know the car.

  4. Saturday 21st February - AM or PM

    07765 406665


    Please put your name down if you want to come to a meet at the above address on 21st February. If you are around in the morning I will be making bacon butties, so if you can give me an idea of whether you are coming in the morning or afternoon would be helpful. Tea and coffe will be plentiful whenever you come :) Look forward to putting some faces to names and having a chance for a good chat.

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