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Posts posted by Dicky

  1. Anyone had a coupe and now running a soft top? Id be interested in your comparisons :yahoo:


    Myself and Tracy went the other way, from roadster to coupe - my summing up of the roadster/coupe comparison is here:


    http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... 99&start=7


    Hope it helps :thumbs:

    Cheers, Mr Chesterfield a very honest report I felt. However given I’m a little numerically challenged these days and the old thatch is beginning to thin, I keep getting this picture in my head of this old bloke (still devastatingly good looking though and very highly intelligent) driving through town with the top down, my reversed baseball cap to keep the sun off, Engelburt playing full blast and wearing my flying goggles to hide the wrinkles. I DON’T THINK SO! Bloody hell another dream shattered. Ah well another coupe with heavily tinted glass I think.

  2. Well I’m 60 but (that’s just between you and me, right) and it certainly attracted me. Its unfortunate but its only now that I’ve got enough disposable income not worry about the costs. As it happens I visited a garage on spec just to kill some time, walked around a corner and there it was. I fell for it straight away. I asked how much and bought it. I did hesitate a bit thinking I was to old but a millisecond later signed the paperwork. Sod what people think. In fact I’m amazed at the number of older guys I see driving sports cars. Sad old FARTS like me I suppose.

    PS now planning on trading it in for another Z but poss a soft top. Anyone had a coupe and now running a soft top? Id be interested in your comparisons :yahoo:

  3. My only major gripe is that i keep leaving the indicators on as I dont see the lights on the dash and you dont hear the click

    Nearly had a horrible accident for the very same reason. Having indicated left I turned down this country road with a housing estate half way down on the left. Approaching the left turn into the estate a woman pulled out in front of me. :scare: I banged the horn gave the fingers and lots of verbals only to discover I was still indicating left, the bloody thing hadn’t cancelled. I didn’t see the indicators because of my hand position neither did I hear the indicator because of the radio. What a prick she must have thought I was :wacko: No permanent clock display and the paint, well, were all aware of that one. :thumbdown:

  4. Yep

    Fitted one myself a few weeks ago and it all works fine. Had initial fright as I thought there wasn’t any connector for the blue tooth module to plug into on the base unit, but Sarnie sent photo’s that did the trick. Any probs then search “Integrated phone-Helpâ€

  5. Well decided to replace only the back tyres as the front still have 6mm of tread, having been replaced by Nissan last year due to a feathering problem. Decided to go for Bridgestones again mainly because Im a rebel without a clue and also due to the mileage I got from the last set. Had I gone for a full set I would have been tempted by the Falken 452,s from my local Falken dealer at £400 all in or the Toyo T1R's from a local Tyre Spot centre for £550.6 all in.

  6. If you can find a place locally that will fit them you can get 4 T-1Rs for £424 delivered from camskill.co.uk


    That’s not a bad price. Rang a few tyre fitters regarding fitting costs, but most will only fit if they supply. Only one would oblige for £18/wheel but that still makes them a lot cheaper at £496. I 'll look into that one cheers.

    Got a good price on Falken 452's, £400 all in :thumbs:

    Got a price also on the dreaded Bridgestones (although they've been good to me given my careful driving) REO40 £522 all in.


    Im looking for good milage from reasonable driving but its bloody difficult to get this info. Falkens look good at £400 but will they last?

    Ho hum, I wish I wasnt such a tight barsteward cus my brain hurts. :headhurt:

  7. got mine for £480 from ATS all in


    ATS in Newcastle say they dont stock Toyo's but will get me a price today. They quoted £642 all in for Pilot Sports, but that £162 in my pocket would be a winner. Bet they cant match your price though :angry:


    ATS just called with Toyo 452 fully shod, all in price of £570 :thumbdown: . Best they can do and still make profit. Bloody hell, I’m giving them all that work and they still want profit. WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO :scare:

  8. got mine for £480 from ATS all in


    ATS in Newcastle say they dont stock Toyo's but will get me a price today. They quoted £642 all in for Pilot Sports, but that £162 in my pocket would be a winner. Bet they cant match your price though :angry:

  9. Do you think it’s worth taking the car along to a good tuning clinic now and again to get them to do their stuff or can’t they do very much to improve/maintain performance without adding lots of bits?

    The dealers don’t appear to do any tuning during services and I was wondering if you think performance falls over a period of time.


    Mines 3yrs old and I know a little tweek would keep me sharp, if I could get one these days. :D


  10. Don't worry Dicky, I got 27k miles out of my 'Stones so I get the prize for No.1 Granny Driver!!! :#1:


    Bloody hell, I don’t know if we should be proud or ashamed and hears me thinking I should have got a lot more! I suppose us Geordie boys demand more from out rubbers (if you know what I mean).

    I’ve been searching the forum to see which tyres give the best mileage but now understand it depends what you want out of them. Being a bit numerically challenged these days I’m afraid its mileage for me. It seems the Bridgestone’s haven’t done to bad from what I’ve read here. I know there frowned upon in Z circles but I cant say I’ve had any problems with them other than the feathering I got on the front ones in the early days, but then again I don’t drive outrageously these days. However I was going to go for either Falken 452’s or Toyo T1R’s this time anyone got milage data on these?


    PS, I understand that Andy can supply tyres. I’ve sent him a pm but no reply as yet. Is this Andy from Sussex ?


    Cheers Dicky

  11. Don’t want to be the voice of doom but I’m a sparky and although I haven’t looked at any wiring diagrams I wouldn’t have thought this was an easy 20 min job to do safely from either the ignition or the door lock cct.

    1 Obtaining a live supply when ignition on = easy

    From the door lock cct = Not so easy

    2 Also, is it safe for the live to the mirror switch be on all the time? This may be the way it operates not, I don’t know.

    If not, then either a timing cct or limit switch would be needed to cut the supply when the mirrors are extended/retracted.

    4 When you turn the ignition off/ lock the door, how would you reverse the supply to the control cct and maintain it long enough for the mirrors to move back in board.

    5 I would have thought this job would require one or all of these bits-- relays, timing ccts, limit switches, fuse and a lot more than 20 mins to get at the wiring points.

    However I have been wrong before. Hope it is easy and safe. Good luck

  12. What are the benefits of a grounding kit?


    The engine seems to run a lot smoother and accelerations also seems smoother. The difference before and after was definitely noticeable on my car and I was over the moon.


    By the way get12 my main dealer said it wouldn’t have any affect on the warranty, however I would get anything they say in writing.

  13. Mine doesn't dial properly but I think it's down to my samsung phone. I had a look on the manufacturers website and my phone doesn't support all the actions.


    I use my daughters old Samsung D500 which appears to do everything other than allow your Pin code to be input verbally.


  14. Glad you got it connected Dicky - did the one in ours last night too, but couldnt get the damn thing to make a call.


    Press the button, say the number, ask her to dial the number - "The number is dialled" - then nothing, just switches back to radio.


    I dont think I paired the phone correctly with the car though, so Ill give it another go tonight.


    Yesterday the phone worked fine then this morning the same thing happened and couldn’t get it to work. Your right it was the pairing. I have to admit I’m pleased with it. Everything seems to work first time and no “Pardonâ€

  15. Well, what do you know! Dropped the adaptor in to the spring loaded bit of the base unit, pushed it forward and hi presto the front bit dropped down to reveal a nice shiny socket into which it connected. I must have looked a bit sad last night though sitting in the car in the garage getting my daughter to call me :blush: . The wonders of science eh. I’ll have a go at programming in my numbers tomorrow and get introduced to Miss Pardon maybe. WHAT WAS ALL THE FUSS ABOUT anyway?? :wacko:

    Thanks again one and all.

    Cheers Dicky

  16. I don't think there's anything wrong in wanting to hide the age of your car. I would do it for that reason alone. We've got a system that rips us off by displaying the age of our cars for all to see so that the industry can make more money out of people etc. I think it's good that people don't know how old your car is unless it's by it's shape - call me snobby - yes I probably am. But a 250 quid plate is cheaper than changing your car every 5 minutes if you're paranoid about it's age. Incidentally, does anyone know how to go about selling their plate?



    My point exactly. Why does it bother you that people know you don’t have this years model. Most people don’t care. Your right when you say the industry is cashing in because they see this weakness in people and exploit it.

  17. Sarnie young man I would kiss you on the lips if you were better looking (ha ha). You’ve managed to make me feel very very stupid. I’m glad I don’t know any of you guys personally as I wouldn’t be able to hold my head up again. The picture tells the story. I now understand why the plastic lump at the front is angled to assist that part of the assembly to be pushed down when the adaptor is inserted. Im sitting in the office now and cant wait until I can get to the car tonight and have another go.

    Cheers young man for your efforts and to everyone else also (mind you if it doesn’t work Ill be calling you all a load of -**!1$ to the wife tonight).

    Once again thanks


  18. :surrender: You don't have to yank it out like that :scare:


    The front part of the cradle slides forward. Using the front of your bt adapter push the end of the cradle out slotting the bt adapter in at the same time. When you let it go it should retract and push the bt adapter into the correct position :thumbs:


    Cheers Sarnie, but if you look at photo 003 you can see why that wont work. At the opposite end to the sprung loaded bit is a plastic cover with a piece of plastic sticking out (shown at top of photo and looks to be colored silver). There isn’t any electrical connection for the adaptor to connect to. My guess is that this plastic bit should come off somehow to reveal a socket but Im a bit scared to lever it too much in case I damage it.



    Your getting confused :wheelchair::lol:


    I'll take a pic for ya............................


    You might well be right. Thanks for the offer. A picture of a working one will be very useful to help me see where Im going wrong

    Cheers Dicky

  19. At the risk of being linched heres my take on the topic. When I see private plates I always think one of two things;

    1 There to hide the age of the car cos your bothered what the neighbours think

    2 There to bolster the owner’s perception that it makes the car and hence the driver look cool, ie your sad person


    However the real sad thing is, in quite a lot of cases, the letters/numbers only mean something to the owner. To the rest of the world there just a set of letters and numbers. A guy in the street has ----TOM. Well I guess his names TOM then, big deal??

    Ok, you could argue its fun, but when these things cost £00 and quite often £000 it all seems such a waste to me. If it enhanced the look or performance then I would agree.


    No, but if Im completely honest I was thinking of getting a real cheap one for resale purposes as it seems most sports cars have them. I appreciate where all different and if you like them go fot it, I just dont see it myself. Bling on the other hand, even hidden bling, can put a smile on your face, but number plate’s hummmmm.

    Cheers Dicky





  20. its a cradle, you bluetooth adaptor slides and clicks into the cradle. Have you read the install manual that would of come with it. Its dead easy


    If ya still stuck pm me your phone number and i'll talk you through


    Cheers Mike, PMed you last night but I wont get in the house until approx 8pm toinght and tomorrow night. Im on nights on sat but available until 6pm. Cheers Dicky

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