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Posts posted by Jacko

  1. Hell that is a good looking car..


    Actually I'm not convinced on the changes..... they seemed to have just lowered the front and rear spoilers/bumpers. A couple of those pics look little strange. Mind you that said, seen some pics of the "normal" R8 and looks so much better in certain colours in the flesh!


    That said, I wouldn't mind taking it for a spin! Imagine the shove in the back with that much torque! :thumbs:

  2. Are you serious :scare::scare::scare::scare::scare: Why didnt I try that route.. wanna sell yours? :teeth:


    Dunno mate, why didn't you??? tut tut..... go annoy Adam with you selections? But obviously if the factory has stopped making em, then unless he has some in then you'll prob be struggling. To be fair if you want 12" rear then I can't see ANYWHERE having them in stock, just to rare a size to keep.... they'll order in especially :blush:


    But no I don't want to sell mine! I love them! :cloud9:

  3. Well you know where I got mine from don't you......


    If Adam can't get em, considering he has great relationship with the master distributor in the states then they're gone for good mate....



    You need to be quick and stop poncing around! :p;)

  4. Sell your current Z and buy a JDM with the tiptronic box. :thumbs:


    I too had back problems for years and switching (reluctantly at first) to auto boxes has helped enormously. I'm very comfortable in the Z. :D


    That could help if you think about it, cos the clutch being very heavy in older Zeds, could be causing you to sit funny etc? Either that or get a newer 06 onwards model, due to much lighter clutch etc but thats not going to help finiancially!

  5. Yeah Mark, similar comments from the other guys..... and sorry to hear about your back.


    I had a VW Passat a few years ago (company car) and had the sports suspension as well, but what I found was that the seats are very hard and difficult to get comfy in, especially for long distances...... in fact it gave me back problems as I was doing a lot of miles. so I'd seriously take a long drive in either a VW or Audi first.....


    To be fair though, I did have an A3 sport later and that was better than the Passat but still very firm...... in my experience, the zed is a much easier car to feel comfy in, especially for long distances.


    Not trying to put you off...... just giving my experience on those brands.



  6. Cheap whiskey (don't waste decent stuff), hot water, sugar, Fresh lemon.


    Job done.


    Few of them to sweat it out of you if its a cold. If its this proper eastern european flu thats been going around for months, then its a long ride...

  7. Yeah its not too bad, you can see it on their website.


    What is sickening is that they start in the US at $34k, however add tax - say 8% and thats around $37k or so. :rant:


    Yeah as I said, Evo saying that going to start at £31k here on the info supplied to them by Infiniti.... but will be interested to see if that stays, considering thats pretty close to a 350z fully loaded (GT Version) etc.... I bet it goes up.... :blush:

  8. :scare: So they are coming to the UK! :yahoo:


    If things go right and the camaro is out of bounds, id get one. Really nice to drive, good grunt and i love the inside


    They said the inside wasn't quite Audi standards, but close to BMW but it is getting revised to suit UK tastes and upgraded.

  9. ...... looks very interesting and gets a very good right up considering the one they tested so was US spec!


    What is a right up? :wacko:


    smart arse..... was in a rush ok...... its one of those things that pedantic bar stewards like you can pick up on! ;)


    And NO it will be Infinti. The whole brand is coming here in Jan 2009 as its been in the states for ages....... Nissans high performance brand etc

  10. I know some of you are Evo subscribers.....


    Anyway, interesting article in this months mag on the Infiniti G37S Coupe thats coming to the UK next January, for around £31k...... looks very interesting and gets a very good write up considering the one they tested so was US spec!


    I'd be keen to have a look one at least I think..... 3.7Lt version of the VQ engine and 330BHP


    Worth a read for anyone that has the mag! :thumbs:

  11. I use Sony MDR-EX71SLB Fontopia Headphones. Never had a problem with them and sound great and not expensive


    I've had two pairs of them Mike and although they sound great, and not expensive at all..... after continued use and I'm not talking about jogging etc, the rubber around where the ear piece joins the wire is really soft. Therefore eventually it frays!


    Common fault it seems, although not sure if newer pairs have the same issue. That said, worth the risk for the money.....


    Also with regards to the wire, they come with a two piece.... the standard wire is quite short and is one sided, therefore longer than the other and a loop goes around to other ear. There is an extender wire with it, but for my tastes it makes it a little too long!


    I bought some Sennheiser ones last time, but not used them yet ...... but they make cracking earphones. Think some of the Shure in ear ones are meant to be the best.... but you will pay for it!

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