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Gaz Walker

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Posts posted by Gaz Walker

  1. Sorry Gaz, I'm sure you have more important things to deal with at the moment but itdoesn't really explain what happened with the exhaust though and its mountings.


    I see.


    Unfortunately I can't comment further on that. The mechanic that did the installation no longer works for us.


    I didn't see exactly how it had been fitted at the time. David said he replaced the brackets and it made no difference. I could speculate that the Japspeed exhaust may have been mis-aligned, or something similar. Any garage should be able to rectify this.

  2. Hi David,


    I'm sorry you feel you needed to post this. I really don't want to be dealing with something like this right now but I feel you are owed an apology.


    Most of the issues here were really quite minor although when added up look like a major screw up on our behalf.


    If read from an outside perspective it looks as if we have done nothing to alleviate your issues when this wasn't the case.


    We paid for the diagnostic and rectification works carried out by Evans Halshaw, in lieu of the wheel refurbishment cost, and transport of them and your stock replacement parts back to you, so you've not been left out of pocket.


    I do agree that this will have caused you some inconvenience for which I am truly sorry, and have apologised many times on the phone to you.


    Because you refused to pay the outstanding balance, I can't send you an 02 sensor, which admittedly took a long time to arrive. Although this may not seem fair under the circumstances, I believe its the only way to ensure we were paid the balance. If you've not resolved this yet I'm happy to talk further.


    Now that you've aired this, perhaps any further discussion can by made via PM.


    Best Regards,


    Gaz Walker

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