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Posts posted by dougie350

  1. dont think they do a rep yet! plus you'd still need like 13j wheels! but then when you go to do a skid on your 8j stock wheels it will look absolutely horrendous haha! mannnnnnn, the wing will go with everything! i think my mate was getting some go pro footage, i was too busy having fun to be honest aha! i may be featured in the actual drift matsuri video...i doubt it though!

  2. Haha yes...... I have bought some neons, I'm in the process of choosing and ordering a bodykit atm, so I'm hoping the will look even lower soon and have a bit of a glow from underneath, I'll try my best to make it look cool though! Also have some plans for a decal design this year too..... We shall see!

    • Like 1
  3. little update for you all.......


    well drift matsuri 2016 was insane..... rockingham has proved to be an amazing venue, it had a lot to live up to to beat anglesey but it really was as good (maybe better) the tracks were amazing, the organisation was good and everyone had a great time which is what its all about.


    all ready and packed :)



    It was split into 3 seperate tracks, track one utilised the outer wall which was basically manjis around tire walls and you could run as close as you want to the wall, the second was very similar but the last corner (manji) was straight into the pit lane so that was pretty cool, the third track was on the infield circuit, i mostly spent my time on this one as it had everything you could ever want, long fast straights, technical bends, s bends, and fast long corners it was amazing, really quick flowing and good fun, ive never drifted a track at such speed, i was easily pushing 90mph + manjis on the straight!!


    Everything went well on the day, car ran faultlessly and i was really happy with my driving, apart from one little off where my car decided to eat my splitter :wacko: and also my front arch decided it wanted to fold into the tyre :lol:





    I decided to buy new tyres to drift on for the event, now my camber is alot closer to 0 on the back i wanted to use it to its full potential, i bought the cheapest 245 45 18s i could find and some "haida's" came up trumps at £70 a pair. i thought they were going to last a little longer than they did though, a pair of tyres lasted 3 laps of the infield track :lol: but i was going for it 100% and creating some pretty epic smoke clouds which put alot of higher powered cars to shame B)

    here are a few photos people got of me.






    managed to get a garage this year too which was a massive bonus somewhere to keep all your stuff safe is awesome, i was sharing a garage with a friend who was unveiling the new look for his 2016 comp car, a 1977 toyota celica. it is a very beautiful car.



    a fellow drifter snapped some pics on the way home too and kindly sent them too me.




    unfortunately not alot on the mods front lately as matsuri has rinsed me :lol: although should be getting my big wing sorted in the next week or two, along with a new splitter which i should be sorting out this week and also some side step diffuser things...... i also have a secret snazzy feature i will be adding....10 points if you can guess what it is.......its going to be bright and colourfull ( and very 1995) :lol:


    * the car is also going to be touched up with a bit of paint as its looking a bit haggard at the moment......

    • Like 2
  4. haha yes mate itll definitely be kissing the ground alot :lol: oh awesome yeh that would be great if i could come look sometime, maybe in the week... what do you want for it pal?

  5. Whereabouts are you located Doug?


    I've still got my damaged Tarmac Sportz Nismo style one seen in post #317 here: http://www.350z-uk.c...d/page__st__300


    Might suit your needs if you're a bit handy with the superglue. It's PU rather than fibreglass.


    based in worcester pal, yeh thats the one i need mate!! i normally just fix them with cable ties in the end because they hold better than glue etc, how damaged is it mate?

  6. hi everyone... after an amazing weekend drifting at rockingham i decided to do some off roading and run my splitter over :) im after one like the tarmac sports ones, cheaper the better ;) doesnt matter what condition or colour it is because ill be spraying and will probably spend most its life scraping the floor :)


    many thanks Doug

  7. well.......


    decided to have a uick test fit of the wing, it came with some ghetto 10mm perspex uprights so thought i may as well see how it looks, where the wing sits and the sweep back on it is pretty close to what i want, i just need to make some beefier uprights out of steel or alloy and the uprights are going to sit further apart right near the edge of the boot.


    but heres something what it might look like though








    hate away ;)



    well ive managed to get hold of a wing..... and its f**king massive! just what i wanted. the end plates are going to be different to the ones in the pic, probably not so lairy, im going to get some custom made up solid uprights laser cut too so will look pretty similar to the big countr labs set up.




    i know its not to everyones taste but the world would be pretty dull if we all liked the same.

    hopefully it will turn out something like this.........



    stay tuned.....

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  9. Saw on instagram, looks so sweet.

    Wheels are so hard, awesome e30 too


    +1 Both awesome machines...325i? Undecided on the over fenders...


    cheers man! it was a 318is but now has a m50 2.5 in it! yeh he put the arches on it and decided he hated it haha! so hes taking them off now, but he had to chop the arch so waiting on new arches :wacko:


    Nice; I think that is out of the e34 (another cool machine) right? Shame he had to cut the arches :lol:

    I think it was out of an e36, they are the earlier types with the iron block so can take a lot more abuse, standard they are about 190bhp so with a few simple mods can be taken over 200 easily. Good fun in a little stripped or e30 😀

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