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Posts posted by roasty

  1. I traded in my 550D for a Olympus EM-5 Mark II. Love it, it's focuses just as quickly as my old 550D, better high ISO performance, lots more extra (wifi, touch screen etc), all in a package that whole lot smaller. Lens are cheaper too, picked up a Olympys 12-40mm (24-80mm 35mm equivalent) f2.8 Pro lens for half the price of a Cannon 'L' lens.


    Sorry about the subject matter but most snaps these days are of one thing :).


    Both f2.8






    Very good quality images

    Are these raw files or edited either way they have great contrast in colours and low noise from what I can see

  2. The Olympus has a much improved EVF.


    Pity you cant buy a viewfinder for the Sony


    You'll deffo miss it......just take it out when its cloudy! ;)

    Haha yh viewfinder would be great on that cam and as for the cloudy days which ever I buy will be coming on my Florida trip in September or maybe I should just use it at night, be a good test for the low light conditions.

  3. Yh that is 1 issue I was concerned about as I use the viewfinder on both my 600d and Fuji hs20exr (bridge) I've got used to it and rarely use the lcd screens although the next variant is the Sony a6000 but at an additional £300 I can't warrant it for the use of a viewfinder, hot shoe and 4 more million pixels.

    I might just take the punt and spend a little extra on the 55mm-210mm f4.5-6.3 lens would be a good combo.

  4. So I have a canon eos 600d with variable lenses and love it, it's great for Motorsport which is what I mainly photograph aswell as the odd wildlife excursions I do, but it's hard to always carry around which means I rarely take it out on my daily commutes so looking at getting a compact system (Sony A5000) to be precise.

    I'm not looking to spend a fortune as it will only be used as a secondary camera.

    So the question is have any of you guys used compact systems and what kind of results you getting from them? And any advise when buying 1?

    Photo examples would be great with any info as to iso, f stop etc etc

  5. Right so my current setup is just a invidia cat back on standard cats and I like the sound for motorway driving but round town just dosn't quite live up to expectation so my question is has anybody fitted a butterfly valve kit to there exhaust and what kits are available any help would be greatly appreciated

  6. Right so here's the thing planned to go away for a long weekend next week with the other half my only concern is I can't find out any information about whether a lowered car is able to get on the ferry easily. Going to the Isle of Wight via wightlink ferries

    And have between a 2-3 inch gap from ground to bumper

    Anybody had this problem before

  7. Mines just tripped over the 90k mark and still running strong had it on a dyno last year and made 315hp (fly) apart from an exhaust upgrade it made this from a decent service alone which in my book says that the engine is still healthy I've had no problems with reliability and only had to replace the battery.

    Most of my mileage has been motorway (road trips) wth the occasional spirited driving but with constant maintenance and servicing 2 times a year I can see it running for a lot longer.

  8. Hi I'm 24 and have a admiral multicar policy both mine and my brothers cars are modified mine being the 350z and I paid £675 with 6 years NCB all mods declared TBH on a standard car I can't see you paying more than that (depending on we're you live)

    Give Adrian flux a call they were my last insurer and couldn't do enough to help.

    Keep searching getting quotes online and don't be afraid to get on the phone you always get a better deal chatting to some1.

  9. Yh it states on the fuel flap 97 anyway so shouldn't do any harm and for me it certainly seems to be a better quality fuel over the supermarket branded premium unleaded anyway

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  10. For the first 9 months of my ownership I was using tesco momentum 99 the zed ran fine no issues apart from a juddering rev needle at idle recently a esso synergy garage opened around my area so thought I would give it a go running the synergy 97 within a month the idle problem went away the car seems to run smoother and for some reason the average MPG has gone up by 3 on my daily commute no change in driving style noted from 19 to 22 will be staying with synergy fuels for the near future.

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