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Posts posted by Ali_z33

  1. Does it not trigger the alarm simply because NATS is still armed, due to not using the remote to disable it?

    My thoughts ~ also this spare key if it doesn't have the central locking/alarm disable buttons could it not just be some sort of "valet" key?! :shrug:


    That sounds like a good reason why it sets off the alarm. Nissan logo is on the spare key, not too sure what a valet key is.

    Was just wondering if there was a way to stop the spare key setting off the alarm as my GF holds the spare key, but i guess she can live with the alarm tripping.


    You can get a nuts and screw from any hardware shop.

    For the alarm issue, I take it as car doesn't start withe key, as alarm is armed?


    Almeida the spare key does start the car, and thanks, i'll pop down to my local hardware shop :)

  2. As the title suggests, when I open my 350 using the spare key (which doesn't have central locking) as soon as I turn the key in the door the alarm goes off, but stops when I insert it in the ignition and turn it one click.


    Tried looking through old threads but couldn't find anything related.


    Any ideas why this happens? When I use the main key and open via the buttons on the key, this doesn't happen.


    On a separate note, any idea where I can get spare screws for my undertray? When changing my oil + filter I noticed some have corroded and snapped, and I even noticed one cable tie is also being used from the previous owner. :thumbdown:

  3. Hi guys/girls!


    As you can see im new to the forum :D . Had my 350z since december last year, (xmas present to myself).

    Why didn't I join this forum earlier!?


    Looking forward to the Ace cafe meet on 20th Sept, hopefully see some of you there.


    Some of my 350z pics can be found on instagram: @alistairbrady inbox me with your usernames if you use the app, would llike to see your Zs! B)





  4. Hello Everyone! This will be my first ever meet!


    1. Amyzed - FA51 AMY

    2. Daveyboy11 - MH03 XOC

    3. StevoD FR03AHL or N33 SPD

    4. Aliveboy M666 MWD

    5. 14N - L14 NDD

    6. Grundy MW53 EJO

    7. Damiiian SK08 RAD

    8. Bradders - PL04 YRU

    9. Whacky Will K1 LEF

    10._BR1TT0N_ N33 AGB

    11. Longsh07 - WN05 FUT

    12. Madmarky VESIDEZ

    13. Mopedmark PF53 OUU

    14: DDay - CF54 VGL

    15. shanksy- YK04 DAH

    16. ap427 NH57 DWJ

    17. 240z details with name and reg to be confirmed asap- booked in by Amy.

    18. 240z details with name and reg to be confirmed asap- booked in by Amy.

    19. 240z details with name and reg to be confirmed asap- booked in by Amy.

    20. 240z details with name and reg to be confirmed asap- booked in by Amy.

    21. 240z details with name and reg to be confirmed asap - booked in by Amy

    22. FLEX GK05 UJD (Im a possible if we get over 50 then I'll commit either way) if that's ok?

    23. Darren-B - BVM 362K - 240z

    24. Dashurik-OX53BSO

    25. A9H-RX - A9 HRX

    26. Octet - ADY8700

    27. Pinoy-R- YT55NNO

    28. Roland Rat- ap04wkm

    29. HaydnH GT07ZZZ

    30. 300ZX - M776 TOF username 300_zedx

    31 .300ZX - reg tbc - username adl phoenix

    32. 300ZX - G831 OCX - username Spin doctor

    33. 300ZX - G265 LNY - username Rolandas

    34 300ZX - reg tbc - username Racca

    35. 300ZX - reg tbc - username Jason Farrow

    36. oOo csmith oOo - N15 WWW

    37. 300ZX - reg tbc - username Funky Si

    38. 300ZX - reg tbc - username JoelyP

    39. 350z - MF53 ZZZ - username Mr.F (Mike Feeny)

    40. 260z - SVX707M - username JohnyMD

    41. 240z - EKH 461J - username 8658KV

    42. 280z - DMM 451V - username Ladybird

    43. Ebized - GU59 UNS

    44. 280z - ORK229W - Candy Red

    45. reefshark - GP53 JDZ

    46. chubbster - YE55 ZZZ - 370z


    47. Ali_z33 - NC07 ZGZ - 350Z


    Is there any cost to attend the event?

    I was at an MR2 meet at Ace cafe once, no costs involved.

    Look forward to seeing all your Z's :teeth:



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