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Posts posted by Trig

  1. That was few hours in the afternoon.

    Last night the wife worked and kids where at there grand parents for te night so cracked on with the other side.


    Wasn't looking forward to this as it was the old escort problem RUST!!!



    And with that lot out the way I found more in the A post so that had to come out too. :(



    Then removed the inner plate that holds the door hinges and welded into new outer.




    Then I went bit mental and decided to get all this back in the car. (Gone 11pm by this point).






    And that's the lot for now. ;)



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  2. There both 2CV based cars called Lomax ment to look like a old morgen three wheeler.

    The blue one dad built as a retirement project 20+ years ago he been across Europe in it and east the west America.

    Couple years ago now we cut the front off made it a little longer and fitted a BMW 850 flat two from a motorbike.

    He also custom made the hard too as me mum was saying it's too cold to go out in it. ;)



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  3. Not done much been busy sterol and helping my dad get his kitcar back together for a show this weekend.

    Got to tow his car to the show tomorrow night help him set up the stand and then on the way home pick up another car for myself. Lol.

    Anyways just drawn this up so I can get them laser cut next week ready for the front end gos together. ;)



    Adjustable caster camber. ;)



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  4. And here's a little Friday night update.

    Not much done this week as working lates and cold nights. :( Hopefully more tomorrow and next week when I'm home at sensible time.




    That's one rail done with light weight holes and the crash point in place just the other side to do then I can put the chassis back in place on the jig and start to work out where how body will sit then the engine box can be tried in for the first time. ;) keep your fingers crossed.



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  5. Don't think I can PM as I'm new or not posted much.

    My Combe days are £150 per car open pit contact me on trig.bishop @ aol . Com



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    To "PM" (private message) someone just hover your cursor arrow over their user name and you will see the "send message" icon pop up. Click on it and write your message.


    You can do it from day one with zero posts so you shouldn't be having a problem with it. I'll send you a message anyway first. :thumbs:


    Got it now cheers G think it was cuz I was on tapatalk couldn't work out how to do it easy now I'm on the normal web page.

  6. I'll pm you with details of the track day mate next one is 20th March and nearly full.


    Mark that's great lots of people have said I would need the peddle and dash.

    Good to get some proper info. ;)

    I have bought the engine box and test driven before too.

    I have the engine loom and ECU but that's it no dash pats or peddle as the guy I bought it from was fitting V8. ;)



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  7. Right guys I've been on the fourm for about a year when I first came up with the idea but I've only just got round to starting it (other projects/family stuff).


    Before I go to far I know a lot of you won't even be interested in this but I'm posting on here as I know I will need some advise on running tuning the engine once it's in the shell.


    I was planning on trying to run on the standard ECU but as time has gone on I think I would prefer a aftermarket ECU loom for ease on fit and so I know I can upgrade engine later and get remapped as when needed.


    Anyway if you've got this far about time I told you all the plan!


    Ready??? As I'm a ford nut as hart this is loosely based on a Mk1 Escort Estate.

    I say loosely as it's only the outer shell that will be used.

    The plan is to build a custom chassis fit engine box axle drop skin over fabricate rollcage/semi space frame to hold components and fix skin to chassis. Easy really lol.


    O one last thing is I have till the 31st may to get it done!!! Fingers crossed.


    Now if you still reading I bet you would like to see how I'm getting on???

    Well ta da here he is (so far) . . . . . . . . .





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