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Mr P

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Posts posted by Mr P

  1. Hi Martin,

    Myself plus my Ladyfriend are planning to be there again this year, having had such a good time last year.

    Hoping to arrive a little earlier this time, on Saturday morning. If you could save us a camping spot it would be much appreciated. Also interested in attending the races on the Sunday.

  2. Hi Martin,

    Just wanted to add my pennies worth to what others have already said.

    Me and my Plus One had a fantastic time Saturday night, despite our relatively late arrival.

    The Plus One's sister was Well Gel of her having seen Midge Ure perform in such an intimate venue.

    He was brilliant as indeed where Pink as Floyd.

    Many many congratulations on putting on such a superb event. I've attended one or two car club gatherings in the past and this was by and far the best.

    Very definitely a date for next years diary


  3. Like the man said: "Get a Mac and don't open anything you don't recognise."


    Also, switch on your firewall and regularly download your security updates.


    I regularly scan mine with MacKeeper, which I mainly use for the other stuff it can do. Never had an issue in eight years.

  4. Hi.

    Any wrist bands left for Midge Ure?

    New to the forum and new to Zds. Haven't even paid for it yet!

    Picking it up this weekend (providing they've fixed the gear box) and then driving it down to Le Mans Thursday, to see how she runs.

    Only just seen this thread but would very much like to attend. Looking to camp, arriving some time on the Saturday.

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