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Posts posted by Akiragost

  1. A Zed is like a beautiful woman, deserves daily attention :)

    Are you Swiss Toni in real life? :lol: :lol: :lol:




    If I was, I would have said, "Owning a Zed is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman. You need to get inside her twice a day, get her fluids up to temperature and then take her repeatedly to the redline."


    U guys at like poets in here lol beautiful

  2. Yea I've no idea of the costs for doing projects like this so was enquiring. Never delved into kit cars. Idea kinda came to mind when I saw someone with a turbo charged bmw v12 engine in a Lamborghini Diablo replica. Got mates with bodywork and wiring and everything, just don't know nothing about creating the space frame. Wanted to know the costs to see if it's viable.

  3. Yea that's what I thought, I'm part of this forum and was wondering if anyone knew about space frames, they're not just for replicas but race cars so someone on here might have known =p what kinda price do you guys think it would cost for getting a space frame made up? Or am I better off finding places who build the whole kits?

  4. I've seen online some interesting ideas and I'm toying about doing a Lamborghini replica with perhaps an Audi or bmw v12 engine in it. That aside though, does anyone know where I can go to get a space frame made up for it?

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