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Posts posted by Jamesyy

  1. I had this trouble with the dealer I bought my Z from. Wouldn't give me 7 day drive away insurance unless I was 30. Maybe give admiral a call? Or worst comes to worst you have a cooling off period so take out the cover, get it to the garage and then cancel the insurance and get your money back :p

    Haha thought about this already mate and although it's not ideal, it may be the only way if I dont get any luck!
  2. Not a problem at all. If you have any worries about your Zed or questions just ask on here as it's a friendly bunch on here.


    The search button can also help you find out some of those questions that may have been asked before so it will save you having to write threads you don't need to. Also lot's of info in here; http://www.350z-uk.c...um/18-350z-faq/


    You may already know this but when you get it don't run it on any fuel other than Super Unleaded ~ it's not good for the engine otherwise. If you haven't already you may want to introduce yourself & post some pics in the "introductions area". http://www.350z-uk.c...lcome-messages/


    Welcome aboard anyway. :thumbs:

    Thanks mate, will put pics up on Thursday when I pick it up. Been reading through nearly everything on the forum and know a fair bit already, thanks for the links. Yup knew about the fuel, not sure what it's been run on previously but will be V-power from now on. Thanks again bud.
  3. Can anyone recommend one day or one week insurance policies? Im picking my new 350z up on Thursday but the garage obviously require me to have insurance to tax it and put it in my name and then obviously I'll need it to drive away. I don't plan on running the car till April and will be in with my mechanic until then (general bits and bobs done to it and mainly for safe storage). Due to this there is no point in me taking out an annual policy, but the companies I have googled don't seem very flexible. I'm 22, 3 years NCB and driving for over 5 years now. The garage 5 day insurance wouldn't cover me unless I was over 30! Thanks guys, James.

  4. It's very common on these car's to get condensation inside.


    To clear it your best bet is to use the rear demister, open the windows whilst driving and you can also use the A/C on a warmer setting (can act a bit like a dehumidifier).


    Some people also buy large silica gel sachets which they leave in the car (under the seats or similar position) to help draw out any excess moisture. Like this but even bigger versions; http://www.ebay.co.u...=item414f7fa55e


    My Zed does it all the time at this time of year but it really isn't a problem as it usually clears within the first mile or two of driving. :thumbs:

    Thanks very much mate. Starting to relax a bit more now! All I need to do is now pay for it, stick it in with my mechanic who will work on it and then pick it back up in April when I plan on running it, cant wait!
  5. Thanks for the replies. That might make sense then... I want to say they're clear ones on the car and the spare ones are orange (which would make perfect sense) but can't in all honesty remember. Will find out Thursday, can't come quick enough! To save making a new thread would you know if there's any problems with leaks on the Zs? Again I think it's very unlikely and I'm just being overly cautious but the rear windscreen had alot of condensation on the inside which didnt clear much when I put the rear window heater on? It's probably due to the fact the car has been stood for a month in the freezing cold temperatures in Scotland and combined with the fact when they valeted the car before selling they have used water based products on the inside, so the moisture from that has caused it also? Thanks again!

  6. Recently just put a deposit down on a 2004 350z which I am picking up on Thursday. I did notice there was a spare set of genuine Nissan indicator/reflectors covers for the bottom of the front bumper... Seems a bit odd, doesn't look like it's had any front end damage atall. Reckon these might have just been replaced cosmetically by the previous owner rather than something happening to the car which resulted in them needing changed? The ones on the car and the spares both look fine ie no cracks etc.


    Thanks, James.

  7. Sorry for the delay in replying guys. Yup I bought it. For what I think was a bargain at £7300. Pick it up on Thursday so will post pictures once I have it. It will be away to my mechanics garage until April when I will start running it and whilst he has it I'll probably just send a never ending list of bits and bobs I would like done - mainly servicing/wear and tear stuff just to give me the extra piece of mind. Then I think it'll be new exhaust time come the summer. Looking forward to getting involved in the forum now!

  8. Thanks for all the replies. Will check over as much as I can. Can't seem to quote in my replies?! In response to Zmanalex - apparently it's had the correct services in the correct order (will check tomorrow) only thing they're unsure of is spark plugs being done. I have a mechanic who will do all the work for me so aslong as the general essential stuff has been done that hasn't cause any longer term problems then I should be able to get it up to scratch as soon as poss.

  9. Hi guys!


    Signed up to the forum as I'm hoping to buy a 350z tomorrow. Have found loads of useful information from the forum whilst looking for one so a big thanks for all the info and knowledgeable folk on here!


    Was wondering if anyone on the forum knows the car or the history of it, I know it may be a long-shot but worth a try so I can be doubly confident I'm buying one of the best genuine 350z's for my budget.


    The reg is SK04 MYZ. Registered Jan 2004, 3 owners from new (one being Nissan), FSH for the mileage however not done every year. Full GT pack and its done 29600 miles. Gunmetal grey and completely standard, as far as I know it's been in Scotland it's whole life and I'm told it's spotless inside and out. It's advertised at £8k, getting it for less...


    Aside from wondering if anyone knows the car, is there anything specific I should be looking out for when I go tomorrow. Obviously all the common faults like clunky drop links, clutches can be tempremental, axle clicking etc...? Is everyone of the same opinion that it's better to have the FSH in terms of mileage than years? Obviously FSH for mileage and years would be ideal but it doesn't have.


    Sorry for the long winded post but any help before I buy it would be much appreciated.



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