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Posts posted by 350Phil

  1. Hi,


    I've noticed a little square dangly thing hanging from the bracing strut in the boot of my 2007 GT model.


    Seems to be connected to something and when I pull it something clicks but I can't see what!


    What is it before I go mad!!!!

  2. Anyone else noticed that the 350 is blind at the rear? I am loving the new car and may get used to it but so far it is without question the most difficult thing to park-guess that I have driven! I end up getting out to check which is completely unheard of in any other motor and a chap can't growl up to the pub, get out and check how close he is, can he???


    Does anyone know of a reverse sensor kit so I can p*ssy out before i scratch the poor thing? I have seen a few on here with what look like reverse sensors on them.


    Advice and links or whatever would be awseome!



  3. I often go with my Golf-loving mate to Santa Pod for things like "Dub Fest" where a weekend of drag racing, showing and general debauchery goes off. Now that I am a Z owner, I was wondering if there is anything like that goes on for us? Would love to bring the dubbers and show them how proper cars look and go!



  4. When I was looking for my car I noticed that many have scratched interior door handles, even on the passenger side. Mine is very low mileage but still has them.


    Is there a solution for this? Have others encountered it? Seems a common problem.


    Gear stick wear also. The plating seems to be made of paper!


    Any advice would be appreciated!!

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