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Posts posted by Zhorno

  1. Is that to go with your budget tyres? Do you do the cheapest of everything with your zed? Don't track it again!

    Bit harsh. He's on Michillins now.

    Is that to go with bbk's crap attitude to anyone who spends anything but the most money on anything (being a stubby and tyres) and is all me me me about everything possible? Yeah thought so.


    You don't have to spend the top whack imo. But buying the cheapest gets you crap imo. If someone asks me about tyres or brakes then I'd say buy mpss and dba discs with ds2500 pads. If money is an issue then I'd say something else. Wrt to the brakes I'd recommend dba t2s. Big difference between cheapest and best value. History has already shown that the op should avoid cheapest / budget tyres.


    Didn't realise I was on here enough recently to be all me me me.


    I have no problems with the standard disks , only reason I want drilled grooved it for the look , I hardly even have to brake hard ! , as I said I drive to the pub about a mile or so from my house , that's about it lol

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  2. If you weigh yourself , say 200lbs that means you need to eat 200grams of protein a day, then the rest needs to be veg. That's it , I done it as part of a diet lost 2 stone in 2 1/2 weeks 👠and drink at least 3 litres of water a day.

  3. I got drunk first time ever in my life about 3 weeks ago, 4 glases of exquisite white wine... I'm nearly 35. The hungover next day... NEVER DRUNK AGAIN. EVER.


    Vodka is your answer sir! Stick to vodka and vodka will not stick with you. Think of it like a lady, treat her nice, give her lots of attention and she'll be good to you, cheat on her with with the dirty whores whisky and beer and she'll s*** down your throat the next morning.


    I stick to vodka and ent up not being able to walk lol , to much attention I suppose lol

    Last time I drank Vodka (a lot of Vodka mind), ...I walked 5 miles home on my own at 3am sporadically throwing up the entire way (don't remember any of the walk), ...got home and made a fried egg sandwich and went to bed. Woke up in the morning with sick all over my pillow as I had been sick in my sleep so almost died. :scare:

    Plus I had left the back door open and unlocked all night which my parents where less than happy about.


    Decided then it was best I never drink that heavily again as it could have been so easily my last drink ever. :surrender::dry:


    I done worse bit below the belt to say On here tho lol least you could actually walk

  4. I got drunk first time ever in my life about 3 weeks ago, 4 glases of exquisite white wine... I'm nearly 35. The hungover next day... NEVER DRUNK AGAIN. EVER.


    Vodka is your answer sir! Stick to vodka and vodka will not stick with you. Think of it like a lady, treat her nice, give her lots of attention and she'll be good to you, cheat on her with with the dirty whores whisky and beer and she'll s*** down your throat the next morning.


    I stick to vodka and ent up not being able to walk lol , to much attention I suppose lol

  5. Haha yea you don't wanna go to far with out your walking stick , get a bit wobbly then 😠, iv got Vegas to look forward to in 5 weeks with 5 of my mates , and I'm 25 ! Hardly school lol

    Vegas now that will be awesome and on the plus side you're also old enough to drink/gamble out there. :yahoo:


    Have fun & don't forget to snap some photos to share with us older folk. :D:lol:


    Haha will do the gf ent to happy about me going with the lads 😂😂😂 some serious hang overs coming my way lol

  6. 😂😂😂 can tell there is a lot of hmmm older guys here , I struggle not to drink í ¼í½ºí ¼í½ºí ¼í½ºí ½í¸¬í ½í¸Â

    Go to bed Zhorno, ....remember you've got school in the morning. :stir::lol:


    I'm 34 and although I used to drink at times heavily those days are long gone now. Really don't see the point and tbh much prefer just a single beer only very occasionally now.

    Haven't been hungover in years and am so glad of that. :D


    Haha yea you don't wanna go to far with out your walking stick , get a bit wobbly then 😠, iv got Vegas to look forward to in 5 weeks with 5 of my mates , and I'm 25 ! Hardly school lol

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