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Posts posted by zxrob

  1. Got over taken on the straights by Sierra Cosworths, Caterhams and all manner of faster vehicles but out cornered a lot of faster cars which made my day. :D


    That is also the case with bikes, large capacity machines (1000cc) mullering you down the starights and pootling around the corners



  2. Well, my first impression was it looked like a computer generated game


    If it was real, its a tad stupid on the roads


    Also as an experienced biker and track rider I would have pulled over and shot myselft if that audi had of come past me



  3. My missus has the 1.6 petrol tekna, cracking little car and quite nippy when you put it sports mode (not as she ever does), echo mode however feels like it drops to 10bhp



  4. 50 + chav here too :teeth: I can't get my head round these kind of choice threads on Pistonheads, how in any way are these cars comparable, one is a 2 seater V6 coupe the other is a repmobile 4 seater straight 6 saloon, either you are in the market for one or the other not a choice between the two!! :wacko:


    My thoughts exactly



  5. Just trolling the net last night and came upon an old thread on piston heads were someone was looking to get either a 335 bmw or a 350z, obviously there were quite a few comments either way, the ones that stuck out for me, about the Zed were


    Chav's car,............what, well feck me I'm a 53 year old chav, wayhay :boxing:


    Looks,...................walk past the bm, turn and look back at the zed :)



  6. Enjoy your roadster, Rob, I've had mine just on a year, and love every minute of driving it!


    I've only had mine a few weeks, love it


    Had so many nice comments, mainly, "that looks great mate" :)


    I went fo a Zed because I've always loved the look of them, big brutish car, also it goes nicely on the drive with my qashqai and the wifes juke :)



  7. Glad your Roadster doesn't leak Rob. :yahoo: Bikes and wet weather are a nightmare though, never mind the getting wet part it's the slippery drain covers & visibility that would worry me.


    Yep, you have to take it easy, nah, feck it have some fun, I couldn't beleive how slow car drivers were yesterday in the rain, fecking walking pace


    Not long had the Zed so just getting use to it, funny how every fecker and his mate wants to race me, dont get this when I'm in the qashqai :lol:



  8. Hi all


    My silver Z has a couple of small areas where the laquer is peeling on the front skirt, not to bad at the moment but would be looking to get it done


    Can anyone recomend a good paint shop in the west midlands, I know there are probably loads but I want it done right


    Cheers Rob

  9. And how do you know which compounds are alike?


    Track day stuff like the 888 and 048s are easy as they tell you, but road tyres? None do, to my knowledge.


    As I believe I said in the original post, in the dry you're unlikely to notice the difference, but in the wet you really could. Which would seem to be backed up by your comment about the tread pattern, so thanks ;)


    Thats ok then as most my driving will be in the dry :p


    I'm only going from my experience on bikes where the contact patch is minimal compared to cars and the need for grip at angle is crucial


    Not trying to tell anyone they are right or wrong, just giving my opinion



  10. All very interesting reading, some valid poins and observations


    However, here is my little input


    Firstly, tread and tread pattern are primarily there to displace water, its the compound of the tyre that is the key factor


    Obviously a lot will depend of how/where you drive the car


    I still own and have rode many high performance motorbikes both on the road and most uk circuits


    Would I mix tyres on the track on my bike, nope, on the road, yep, done it many a time, by mixing tyres I mean brands, as long as they have a similar compound there is no problem



  11. Right


    I know this has been discussed a trillion times, yeh, tyres, however


    My recently aquired zed is gonna be used for touring/posing pleasure, I wont be drifting, spinning it up everywhere, I'm to old and slow for that, so, can you recomend me some hoops that give a good compromise on grip/wear/price





  12. have u started your christmas wish list for mods??? :D just a matter of time :teeth: .

    hope you get some roof down time before the weather changers.


    Not yet, money tied up elswhere for a bit


    Worth the wait I'm sure :thumbs:


    Sure is


    Best get some winter wheels if you're planning on using it over the chilli period :)





    Feck using it in the winter, got a qashqai for that



  13. My zed I recently purchased has a few small areas where the lacquer is just starting to peel, is there anyway of stopping it before it goes to far like the picture in the original post


    Cheers Rob

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