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  1. Thanks Coz. I went for the Japspeed one in the end with the idea of matching the K2 centre section and backbox. That has not entirely worked out because it transpires that this "stainless steel" system was made with mild steel flanges! The garage called to say that the flanges had rotted badly and even come away from the centre pipe in one place (they sent photos and it's quite alarming how bad it is). I've been on to Japspeed and they are citing "out of warranty", though failed to comment on "product sold was not as described"... All a bit annoying really. Offered some discount on a new system but even today their "cat-back" offering doesn't include a Y pipe!
  2. My Y pipe is split at the flexi joint. I'm not looking for any special performance enhancement and see that there are a myriad offerings for replacements on fleabay and other outlets. My question is - any advice on what NOT to go for? I'm reading that pipes joining sooner as opposed to later pays dividends on power? Has anyone had experience of swapping these over? If so are there studs in the downpipe/cat sections or nut and bolt? The local garage spotted the split at the MOT (it still passed) and pointed out that the nuts are shot and I should source replacements with the pipe as Japanese thread sizes are odd? Finally, mine is a genuine GT4 Limited and some Ebay "does it fit my car?" tables says that it won't fit a VQ35DE 291HP derivative; I thought they all looked the same? Years ago I upgraded to a stainless centre section and backbox (K2 I seem to recall) and I don't recall issues then. All advice greatly appreciated!
  3. Awesome. Sounds like a plan. Will sort out a clutch, a date, some beers and food and put out a call for the volunteers! Thanks all for your input. Neil
  4. I guess I should ask but are these for a DE engine? (Is there a difference to HR?)
  5. Yes CATs and Y pipe please Can you PM me your payment and collection details please and I'll get payment to you. Neil
  6. I'm interested in the wheels if they are still available? Any idea on postage costs to Essex?
  7. Great, will drop you a PM (Did you used to be on here as ZManAlex?) So questions I have are: How high/how much clearance do I need to get the box out from under the car? Full car up in the air or just the front/rear? Does the engine need supporting to stop it rolling back/forward? I don't have a manual for procedure (though I'm sure I'll figure it out), torque settings etc - Any good reference sites for this? Bradders, I'm in Brentwood so I might give you a call if you're up for it! (After Xmas of course...) Changing headers is interesting but I was looking to get the car back into mint condition (as its a Ltd Edition I thought I'd be subtle with upgrades). Originally this meant new clutch, replace exhaust and fix stonechips etc but then some a55hole took a massive gouge out of the rear 1/4 panel while parked adding to the repaint costs. Plus my LE alloys are falling apart . I'll get there in the end but want to get mechanicals up to snuff first so do need to watch the outlay.
  8. Which will only be a couple of weeks by the way!
  9. That might work out just fine. My Mum lives in Dereham so I'm guessing not a million miles from you? I'm happy to pay up front and collect when I'm up next if that suits?
  10. No its not slipping but it does feel a touch higher than it has been. I'll be changing the CATs and Y pipe at some point and thought that while I had that lot apart I might just drop the box and change the clutch too if it wasn't that bad a job. Worth you mentioning it though!
  11. OK, sounds promising. So drop it out through the bottom, engine stays in place? Yes done quite a few in the past but depending on the car I've pulled the engine and box then split them on the ground. Any advice on a good replacement clutch unit?
  12. Who's changed their own clutch? I have an 05 GT4 (DE engine?) that looks like it will need sorting soon as the biting point is getting a bit high. Any gotcha's I need be aware of (specialist tools or PITA things to remove)?
  13. Hi Gumpy I'm interested so long as they are good condition (i.e. functional and not blowing) and you could ship to Essex (assuming I can't get to you)?
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