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Everything posted by DuttyFusion

  1. This is just the rear/centre Scorpion install. I'm getting a new Y-Pipe put it on Tuesday :-)
  2. The result: Possibly not to everyone's taste but I love the pop and crackle it gives off! This is the exact item that was fitted: http://www.ebay.co.u...=item1c20428575 It's a 350z GT4. It's the first modification I've done (apart from installing a double-din unit) and now I think I'm hooked! I'm currently looking at a K&N Induction Kit (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/110868430101?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649), if anyone has any opinions/alternatives, that would be awesome :-) PS. Ignore my mate in the car, he'd just done a 12 hour night shift and I forced him to put off sleeping so I could record this... ^_^
  3. A couple more images I just took to show how far it sticks out of the dash and so forth
  4. I do love a bit of Pantera to help me wake up for work! The system is pretty fast. It seems to take around 10-15 seconds (after the initial splash screen) before it's fully responsive, although I work in computing so I was expecting a bit of 'turn-on lag'!
  5. Haven't read that yet no, but I will when I get home from work! Volume is great. I spent around 30 minutes going through all the settings (as you do). It seemed a bit low at first (35 is the max the unit goes too and it was loud, but not over the top). Then I saw that by default, the unit was on a very low volume setting so put it around the midway mark and now it plays at a nice level without having to max out the volume. The quality is fantastic as well. The unit itself was quite expensive but worth every penny from what I've seen already - Very happy!
  6. Nothing overly spectacular but I'm very happy with the result! I should point out that I didn't carry out the install myself. I used http://incartec.co.uk to help identify what I needed and then went to a garage in Shirley (Hampshire) which charged me £90 for the install. I thought it was a reasonable price as I watched a few 'HOWTO' videos on YouTube and the 350z does look a bit tricky to take apart - But that might just be my lack of experience. Anyway, here's the result!
  7. 49,000 when I bought it. Just took her on a very enjoyable trip to London, obligatory photo!
  8. £10,000 + My old 1.6 Honda Civic which I got £600 for. I managed to knock him down about £310 but he wouldn't budge any further. I think the dribble coming from my mouth was a giveaway that I really wanted this car
  9. Thanks! I wasn't keen on embedding them due to the size of the images but if it's not an issue than awesome :-)
  10. Haha, small world! It most likely was, I live in Bishopstoke :-)
  11. Hello! :-) Last Saturday I purchased my first 350z! I previously had a 1.6 Honda Civic and wanted something a bit more special and after a few months, decided on a 350 - After a week of driving it I think I made the right choice! Anyway, just popped in to make a quick post and say hello! I'll be sticking around for sure as I've already read some fantastic and very helpful information about after-market audio systems which I'm currently reading into. Anyway, a few specs and pictures before I get back to work: It's the Nissan 350z GT4 model so it has the slight power upgrade to 296bhp. (It's 55/176 for those who care for numbers). These photos were taken at the dealership when I bought the car, but she's currently sat outside my work and I'm yet to get bored of looking and thinking 'Yep, that is mine'! (The photos are quite high res so I won't embed them, feel free to check out the links if you want to see!)
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