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Posts posted by Sempiternal

  1. i was watching the lane splitting and i believe in some states thats not actually illegal to do?


    It's illegal in NYC as far as I know.


    So if you were in RR drivers situation, surrounded by an angry mob that was apparently rocking, and according to some reports attacking the car with helmets and knives, what would you have done?



    as someone mentioned above they too wouldnt know what they would have done!,

    everyone is different, because of having over 5 years in professional security i have various local police numbers at the ready, cant say i would react this way, but my mind says i would of hit the speed dial and declared abit of a life threatening emergency.. this is better than appose to some peoples theory he was driving to the police station why wait, 911 or 999 for us


    also i acknowledge not many people would have their local police numbers on their phone,, but everyone should know 911/999 respectively


    again as nat geo's programme seconds from disaster would state,, now its time to look into the events,, where about to go seconds before disaster!

  2. As a biker what are your thoughts on the liveleak videos I posted?



    55 seconds into the video you see an identical bike to mine, gorgeous plasma blue 636,, ;)


    i was watching the lane splitting and i believe in some states thats not actually illegal to do?, but yea crossing solid white lines jumping lights riding on paths for short cuts is i suppose what the americans call being a d-bag,


    but for the most part i see no aggression, alot of them pull up into the filling station,, all looking like they they were having a good time!, the RR driver must of pi**ed them off,, something ignited the end result


    and as u say in the end they pulled him out the car, that was definitely going to be the end result,, bikers are like family you run one over you ARE getting chased down!,,

    if i was the driver i would of hit 911 or 999 cause after nearly killing people retribution was on his ass!

  3. After rewatching the start,, its a sad crock of event, yes who the f wants to be surrounded by a gang of bikers .. especially if you feel they're about to pull you out your car if this was the reason he tried to run,, but he still could of killed the guy after rewatching he pretty much almost runs 2 or 3 guys over lucky for them they bounce upwards and i guess live! so now he is driving with harmful intent, and like i said before a fellow biker witnessing that many bikers nearly getting crushed are just going to go full rage mode!,, who's to blame,,,

  4. As a biker watching that Vid i felt the rage seeing the car running over a fellow biker HELL NO,, i hope for the luv of god the car driver was on his cell phone to the police cause i guarantee every biker their had war pacing through their head!

  5. Like a boss .. what ever that means lol..

    Seriously though


    "Hi.. im here to pay a parking ticket is cash ok "..

    "Yeah.. cash is fine sir"

    "Ok il just get it out my bag"

    Places cash on table on floor on her pretty much everywhere lol

    Then the line.

    "We dont accept that"


    Literally a minute after stating she would accept cash


    Face palm

  6. Throw away the chamois leather!!!


    Only ever dry your car with microfibres cloths OR even better get yourself a "Wooly Mammoth" towel.


    The Wooly Mammoth is a huge wooly (!) towel, if your car is well sealed (or waxed) the water will have beaded and the Mammoth simply soaks up the water simply by laying it on, no need to wipe.



    i have similar method, i just used the term chamy.. i use a microfibre towel and various other expensive bits of drying cloth.



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  7. first time i ever used a clay bar was with the Zed you will not believe how smooth the car will feel after a clay bar! and your moments away from driving to Halfruads to get yourself one ;)


    your luv affair will end up looking something like..


    1 wash the car 2 bucket method

    alt SNOW FOAM :p

    2 wait to dry or chamy

    3 paint polish application

    4 wax application

    5 optional sealant, as alot of wax's have additives to prolong the life of said wax


    this is a start your need a few hours spare A FEW :p.




    also throw away your sponge, as your about to go OTT,

    buy sheep skin :) or tbf i use a sponge that looks like lots of noodles ;)

    microfibre cloths

    polish applicator pads


    what i will say for entry level detailing you wont go far wrong with an autoglym set, the resin polish bought the white out of my integra's champion white.

  8. Welcome to Zed ownership - couple of pointers


    1,go search the term Zeditus within this forum

    2,now you know what Zeditus is go lock up you bank cards credit cards, that penny jar you save for a rainy day

    3,goodluck dealing with this ... er virus? <-- no known cure :scare::surrender:

    4, your first mod will be spacers

    5, your second is upgrading your i.c.e or head unit for that matter!

    6, everyone knows 1 to 5 is correct



  9. Museum is brilliant! Specially for those interested in the falklands and cold war. They've got a lightning, vulcan, tornado, jaguar :)


    its got a Vulcan?!! sod the 350z id swap my keys for a Vulcan any day of the week drool! <-- seriously only - joking, nobody is taking my zeds keys!


    if nobody knows there cold war history!,, it blooming played a maahhhisive part! go study some lol

  10. Had a look on ebay last night!,, have supra's gone up in price?- as in a cheap one is 10k and then they go double that,, im not saying they aint worth it, have they always been that price?


    its like S15's imports start at around 11k and there already 12 years old (not knocking them either)

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