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Posts posted by modd1uk

  1. For cleaning wheels the three products that i would advise are..


    Billberry wheel cleaner (or something along the lines, ph neutral, dont use acid on your wheels)

    Iron X - This will get rid of any iron deposits and any pitted brake dust

    A decent tar and glue remover - This will take off old wheel weight glue, and any tar spots.


    Have had great success with the above. I just bought a 350z so will be taking the wheels off this week and giving them the above procedure.

  2. After tidying up the interior of my newly purchased 350z. I need a few parts to make it my standard however the main one is the door below the gauges, its a bit tatty and has seen better days. I need a new gear knob so il have a hunt around the forum, i love the feel of the standard one its just tatty on top. I need a set of mats too.

  3. Where do you get cheap buckets and guards from? Cheapest I've found online is about £25 for 2 buckets / guards, surely it can't be that expensive for some plastic?


    Anything associated with " detailing " usually is unfortunately. They use our obsession against us.

  4. :wave:


    Just watch the oil on the Revup. In other words weekly, monthly then quarterly. If weekly is good move to monthly and then quarterly. That way you'll spit any issues immediately.


    I'm on 80k now and use about 1L every 700-1,000 miles. Some done burn any at all, but enjoy my car so economy doesn't come into it.


    Coming from an FN2 so i know all about oil usage, some k20's use none, some use loads. Mine uses a considerable amount if you're driving it like its stolen. That used to checking it weekly anyway so il just continue my routine.

  5. " What has happened has happened "


    My toys would of been out of the pram at that comment, how hard is an apology ? The workmanship carried out was sub par, i understand what people are saying about taking it back etc but if they have had two chances already to put things right and the car still wasn't right i wouldn't be going back for a third time.


    The car is the guys pride and joy, can only try and understand how you feel buddy you must be livid.


    Ian has far more restraint than me, that's for sure.


    I'm guessing the 's', 'o', 'r' and 'y' keys are broken on Taras' keyboard.

    But still no apology???


    It's also referred to as 'any work that you have thought to be our failing' no real acknowledgement there..... that sorry its our fault we'll sort it but that obviously what they know to be true or they would be doing the work again for free


    Wouldn't want to admit we're liable though would we?


    This is a gesture if goodwill at the moment.


    Sorry = acceptance = legally bummed


    I guess, its like when the police say " Do you know what speed you were doing sonny " yes officer, 29mph.


    I hope you get the car sorted one way or another buddy, as i said in my PM your car inspired me to get an azure one myself.

  6. " What has happened has happened "


    My toys would of been out of the pram at that comment, how hard is an apology ? The workmanship carried out was sub par, i understand what people are saying about taking it back etc but if they have had two chances already to put things right and the car still wasn't right i wouldn't be going back for a third time.


    The car is the guys pride and joy, can only try and understand how you feel buddy you must be livid.

  7. I got a set from ConceptzPerformance in the US.




    They worked out at about £55 delivered ($82.95 x 0.6 = £49.77 + Barclaycard foreign exchange = £55ish). They even put on the customs docket that they cost below the threshold for import duty, so was a bit of a result, but even with tax and royal mail handling it works out cheaper than anywhere I found in the UK... just.


    I emailed those a few minutes ago, will see what they come back with. I have friends in america that could forward on if needed too.

  8. Are you guys as competitive as the likes of the companies on gocompare etc. Our current insurer is basically taking the "micky" to change cars. Can get a decent quote off quotemehappy but may give you a call if you are competitive.

    Hi We had our second best month ever last month so hopefully we're doing something right :)


    Not competitive enough i'm afraid. Your company wants £1250...quote me happy want £800 ish, Sky insurance want £847. £400 more than sky insurance so i'm afraid you won't be getting our business this time around.

  9. Could be worth a shot, why is it the driver side that gets worn and not the passenger :(

    Because its difficult to drive sitting in the passenger seat ;)


    You should see some of the people i have had in my previous cars..one threw a gerkin off a double cheeseburger at me !

  10. Stupid questions incoming :


    Having read around the forums ive seen a few comments that say " I bet it was run on 95 " etc. Can you only run these on super ? I only ever ran my FN2 on tesco momentum.


    Spacers - Hubcentric or the kind where you get longer studs and replace the OEM studs.


    First mods are going to be : Lower it on tein springs, 20mm/25mm spacers, exhaust of some sort including decat, stubby aerial and get rid of the standard stereo, 2013 now having a tape deck is no longer cool.


    Hope i'm doing the right thing, I have read a few horror stories with the revup motors :(

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