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Posts posted by A9H-RX

  1. A 12 picture gallery here on my Flickr from this. A few of our stand and a few of the other Zeds around the event.


    A little bit after the event now but i'm not too good at getting things done straight away!

    Damn you flikr! Went to steal your photo's and upload to Photobucket, Flikr said no.


    You used to be able to just right click the Flickr page then select inspect element look for a jpeg link and then right click and open in a new tab. (chrome instructions). Doesn't look like this works now but there might be a way round it. You could always just do a screen print .

    Yeah, tried all that and it was like NO!, wanted the original's as apposed to PrntScrn so we can get the maximum quality out of them.


    Full screen with the F11 key and print screen ;)

  2. Held by a small friendly group of guys I know. Good atmosphere and variety of nice cars.


    Starts at 7.30pm today, M3 Fleet Services North Bound, between junctions J4A - 5 (towards London). Post code is GU51 1AA.


    Should run back into a monthly thing now weather is picking up. Normally last Wednesday of every month.


    Anyone local and stuck for something to do tonight is welcome to pop along :thumbs:

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