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Jaz 350z

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Posts posted by Jaz 350z

  1. I dont really support a team, I like to watch good football.


    What worries me, is that maybe the reason's I enjoy watching Man U will disappear.



    Will Manchester United ever be as resilient?


    Will they score as many late goals?


    Will they still play with as much style and confidence?



    I think that we are facing 2/3 years of Manchester United failing to do all of the above.



    As for pep. he is going to Munich in the summer, to prove again that if you give him a world beating side, he is capable of maintaining that tallent for some years, until others catch him up.

  2. Completely agree with Sarnie,



    It used to be a show that took 10 bright people, they all excelled and did things that were very clever in the business world.


    However, people seem to find it much more entertaining to see others fail, and their pride take a dent.



    Now, there is no better place to see people's pride take a dent.

  3. I think mourinho would prefer Man U, he has moaned before about Chelsea's frequent management shifts. But as you say, Moyes has so many things going for him that Man U would want, most prominently the "no man is bigger than the club" belief.


    Which Mourinho would struggle with as he wants his club to be known as Mourinho's FC.


    Another upside to Moyes is the spending I think, try name a bad signing for Everton over the past few years. Ye, he's not bought the best players but the ones he has bought have been well worth the money.

  4. He has been the manager of Man U since before I was born, it really does feel like the end of an era.


    Also, how the f, would you go about filling his shoes?



    Might as well start a vote,


    Moyes or Mourinho,


    you can add others in of course.


    My choice, would be Mourinho but mainly because I love his character and want him to be in the premier league. I think that Manchester United will pick Moyes. Mourinho will have to settle with Chelsea.

  5. I had juddering from my car when attempting hard cornering.


    (completely shameless plug) took it up to CS ( cougar store ) you can find them on here,


    Turned out i had some partially worm PAS Pipes.


    Andy worked his magic and to this day not experienced the issue again.



    sorry should have included a way to check, duh!



    open the pas reservoir, and then get someone else to move the steering wheel from left to right, while the power is on of course.


    if you see bubbles in the fluid, you have an issue.

  6. This isn't the first planet we have found that we believe could support water in liquid form, but without better fuels its all moot. By the time we got to Mars (150-300 days) the suns radiation would have probably given the travellers cancer. (first planet that could support water : Kepler 22b incidentally 600 light years away, lots further than Mars)




    ^ we need this first.


    Very cool though, how far mankind has come along in such a short time.

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