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  1. Also forgot to say, its important to choose a cover that lets your roof breath dry. Some covers just stay damp for ages and ages and it'll cause mould to grow on the inside of your soft top
  2. For what it's worth I used to have an s2000 for a number of years (have a 370z GT coupe now) and I had a cover for that. Trouble is with an outdoor cover no matter how good a fit, you get small movement from the nylon or tyvek fabric against your paintwork in the 4 corner areas of your car. Eventually it'll start rubbing away at your paintwork in those areas. I stopped using it after a series of windy days/nights. If you protect your roof by cleaning it and sealing it with waterproof chemicals (the autoglym stuff works fine) then your roof will come to no harm. I had my s2 for 4 years and the roof was in good condition when I sold it
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