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Posts posted by OsakaBen

  1. Haha it's a fair argument that the stock injectors can't handle too much more, but with larger injectors and a correct tune, why can't I just blow out 1000bhp.


    I'm trying to educate myself here, I obviously don't know enough about engines. I'm sure somebody will be along soon to explain and call me an idiot haha

  2. Well, I'm not planning on going above 400 whp on the stock engine, however I see a lot of people saying the engine is only good for 400ish and then you must forge.


    Seeing threads like this : http://m.my350z.com/forum/showthread.php?t=156639&styleid=69


    Makes me wonder...where does this information come from? Who said its only good for 400? Does everyone blow up over 450? Searching I find very little on blown motors.


    I know really it's the torque that destroys the VQ, but again, that's only what I've heard.


    Am I being stupid? Is there a dead answer with loads of technical jargon that makes cranking up your horsepower to 600 an instant bang?



  3. I just picked a few up from my local pound shop. Have just used them for the first time and I'm impressed!


    Surprisingly, they were only £1 each.... :teeth:


    EDIT: Microfibre cloths I mean - not silicon blades.


    Do you ever spend more than £1 on anything -.- lol

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