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Mrs Buster

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Posts posted by Mrs Buster

  1. Arrived all safe and sound - of course, the first thing you do is go to see your photo in it, sad, I know, but you gotta check!


    Really great job, guys, Many Thanks.


    I just hope nobody says anything to SMD about how the WI did their Calendar Girls with no clothes on, we'll all be in trouble for next year!



    Please NO!


    Unless of course you each have your bodies painted the same colour as your cars :p

  2. Purely out of interested. What is the approx cost of this event without fuel please?


    Single Occupancy Rooms will be £47.00 per night including breakfast.

    Double Occupancy Rooms will be £52.00 per night including breakfast.


    Were staying for the three nights - £156.00, Alchohol - £100.00 and Food - £ 50.00


    Rough guide for you Leather, obviously a few other expenses that come up. Just do this event - Awesome people, great looking Zeds and great roads/scenery :teeth:


    Only £100 for alcohol :scare: :scare:

    What about the second night :wacko: and i assume that is per person :1:

  3. I can't believe I'm reading a 350z forum and men are discussing vacuum cleaners, you should join netmums they would love you


    Look who started the thread :teeth:


    Indeed - did anyone else look at the thread title and then the author and think to themselves 'oh dear lord what is coming'

  4. LOL what and epic evening at the Keyser household aka The Zed Shed!!!


    Huge thanks to Mrs Keyser for the BEST homemade lasagne as well as a beautiful sparkly new watch and the the Keyser Juniors for the advice and guidance!


    Christopher - needless to say when it comes to cars - your talents are boundless. The cakes tastes as good as it looks!!!!! ~Possibly your best build to date!


    And of course to Buster to aided and abetted the evenings surprise entertainment along with - A NEW PRIVATE PLATE for Daffodil.


    To top the evening off DAFFODIL HAS NEW EYELASHES :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    All this makes reaching 50 easier to bear and show true love and friendship and I thank you all


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