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Posts posted by Geekboy78

  1. hello there boys and girls - mostly boys i suspect, but let's not jump to conclusions just yet ;)


    i've recently bought my first zed and am looking for a reliable and trustworthy valeting/detailing company in west london i can use for occasional services....


    i have looked at dave's very helpful detailing guide on here and will be looking to do the weekly and monthly bits myself, but am not confident with the more indepth claybar stuff - to be honest, i didn't even know it was called 'detailing' until i came on here....


    i'd love to find a company who i can trust with my new pride and joy to give it a proper seeing to every few months. i don't have a covered place i can guarantee is dry and can be pretty flexible in terms of times etc so it doesn't need to be a mobile service, as long as it is in west london.


    any recommendations very much appreciated - i am somewhat worried about making a mess of things, but will not pretend that some of it comes down to being largely lazy!


    thanks in advance

  2. I did the same thing!


    Had a practical Astra, no baby in sight despite every effort, sold the Astra for a Zed, a week later shes got a positive on the testing kit :lol:


    Have to admit, with me moving to a new job in central london and us now with two cars I am with gritted teeth hanging onto the Zed...

    so what you are saying is that a zed makes you more virile? wow - i'll be double-bagging for the next 12 months then... ;)


    thanks for your welcomes guys - i'm looking forward to applying my geeky tendancies (which so far are restricted to computer games) to my zed.



  3. hey there,


    newbie here, looking to add a few bits and bobs that will turn my car from very nice to ooooh, fell the quality.


    i am not technical, but none of the things i am looking for will be difficult to fit - and this place is packed with helpful guides.


    i am looking for...


    rear brace cover - either official or after market. my one is a bit scuffed and a new one will make the car look much better.


    interior passenger side 'z' door handle - the metallic door cover handle that is only on the passenger side. again, it is a little scuffed and i'd like to replace it.


    central cubby hole cover - the cover for the cubby hole just behind the handbrake has a slightly damaged top which i would like to replace.


    bluetooth - this is, i am sure, a common request but one of the bluetooth adapters to plug into the central column would be ideal. seen one on ebay and can buy them new, but always up for supporting the community if someone here has one...


    all help appreciated.

  4. hello there,


    new owner of a 350z after the realisation that this car purchase was the last one before the kids come along and i need something with the dreaded p word - practicality.


    now the proud owner of an 04 plate 350z and in the 72hrs i've owned it, i have had a massive, childish grin plastered all over my face.


    here it is.




    i'm as technically and mechanically gifted as a slug, so will be here pestering, questionning and generally standing on the shoulders or other 350z giants.... but i can use a computer and know how to search forums (heck, i was on here looking for hints and tips before i bought it) so i hope i won't be a pain :D

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