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Posts posted by Builder49

  1. I am the same about 14k cash and the rest on finance. That was one of the reason's I got rid of my modded 350z as I was turning up to meetings and they could hear me from about a mile away :blush: So I have the 370z now which is alot more tame and refined. Although I might be getting a Nissan Navara for work soon :)



    Firstly I've got a 61 plate Navara Tekna Connect. Great vehicle, love it as much as the 350, but for obvious different reasons.


    Will be keeping the Zed as my weekend fun vehicle (no room for kids ;) ) Obviously I'll continue with a little light zeditis every so often :lol:


    The new vehicle will be for family reasons. All of us in one vehicle at one time, with a little more refinement than turning up looking like Pikeys in a pickup :lol: Following your suggestions if I had any sense I'd be going 4 door minimum (but those of you that have read other things I've written will realoise I haven't much sense)!

    I like the S5 and the RS4, but the Jag is a pretty good call and not considered one of those so it's now on my list.


    As for the money, strictly notes..... Not keen on finance to be honest, but then I'm older than the majority of you and therefore don't have as long left to pay it off :lol:


    Keep the ideas coming guys. 3 possibilities now, and decision time is aimed at early September.





  2. Moss Bros hire suit....... (4 weeks ago, £99 to hire)






    Poxy tie/cravat thing was a nightmare to tie up on my own!







    The two suits I own are both Black, not sure I'd actually fit then though as I'm now only a 32" waist and the suits were 34".


    Am I correct in thinking though that certain styles and cuts of suit should always be reasonably in fashion? As a builder there isn't much general call for a suit so I've always paid a bit more for a better quality one!!!

  3. Mines exactly the same with the sand residue here in Bedfordshire, so it was quite far ranging....... I'd only cleaned it at 6pm the previous evening :(


    Feel really sorry for the guys with the hailstones though!!!! Unbelievable :scare:



  4. Have noticed since having my wheels refitted that there appears to be a click from what sounds like the rear offside wheel? It only clicks once or twice as I pull off and occassionally once when I stop (almost like someone had left a lose chain link inside a drum and rolled it forward so that it drops to the bottom as it reaches the top of the drum?)

    Don't hear it after the initial roll forward, and sometimes dont hear it at all????


    Anybody got any ideas please?






  5. Was going to sit back and say nothing (which for me is pretty unusual), but then I thought 'what the hell, I have to say something here as an employer myself'. Then I realised Chesterfield had said it all for me :teeth:


    I do think though that the main thing here is that the 'USUAL FACES' will be the ones that show up to take advantage of any European backed law.


    Might not be legal, or hold up in a court of law, but all my guys are on 3 month rolling contracts. Anyone that takes the 'P' finds their new contract is a zero hours one......... Luckily most of them are pleased to be working at the moment in the building trade and are prepared to suck it up to keep in work.

    I must add though that as repayment for their loyalty they have all received annual payrises over the last 4 years of around 4.5% per year, at a time when many builders are either getting cut back or not working at all !


    The annoying bit is all the people that want to avoid VAT by paying cash. But thats another story.....

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