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Posts posted by SteveJJH

  1. i'm probably being really thick here, but a little while ago i was on here looking for tyre recommendations and someone posted a link to an external site where there was a list of the most recommended tyres specifically for the 350z.


    now i can't find it. anyone know where it is?

  2. ok, thanks for the help guys, I've braved the rubbish weather and gone out and had a decent look. I will definitely need new front pads, and I'm pretty sure I need new front discs.


    I was thinking about getting new discs, pads, fluid and lines on the front, is it ok to just do the front or will that give me other issues? looking at the back the pads are pretty worn out but the discs seem ok.


    Is it time to go all in and get discs, pads, fluid and lines all round? This is starting to sound really pricey, but then I didn't buy a 350z thinking I was going to run it on a tight budget.

  3. I'm pretty sure I'll be changing the pads, it's just I don't know whether to change the discs, how much 'lipping' is bad?


    I need a disc/pad combo that will work on the road, but I intend on doing a couple of track days a year too. I'll go for an upgrade over standard stuff if it isn't stupidly more expensive

  4. multiple issues here, I'll be doing some searching, but I want to group all this together


    I just did what is effectively my first car track day today in the Z (it was great), but I think I have messed my brakes. Near the end of the day, I noticed the brakes didn't feel quite right, so I had a look at the pads back at the pits, and they looked pretty worn out. There's a clip holding the pad on, that seemed to be very close to the disc, so I called an end to my day.


    when I left the track to drive home I was getting some nasty scraping noises from the brakes, but I couldn't think of anything I could do other than get home trying to touch the brakes as little as possible


    so this leaves me with 3 basic questions:


    1. how do I check if i need new discs?

    2. what's the best disc / pad combo (I realise this will be contentious, I'll do some searching on this)

    3. is changing this stuff something I could do myself? Is it any different to any other car?


    I guess some follow up questions would be have I damaged anything else? should I get new brake fluid?

  5. well, I've not got mine serviced yet, but I do know a couple of garages round here.


    1st of all, Barr-Tech in cambridge. http://www.barr-tech.com/barrtech/site/index.html


    I've not had any work done by them, so i don't know what their prices are like, but i took my old Boxster there for an assessment and they were very honest and knew what they were talking about. Basically they figured out all the problems which let me know i needed to get rid, they didn't push me to get the work done.


    Secondly, 2 Stroke near Bassingbourne. http://www.2strokeautocare.com/


    So far i can't say enough good things about these guys. My GF has a Golf V5 and we've taken it there a couple of times. They've been able to diagnose problems multiple garages have missed, they fixed a problem for free other garages had told me was going to be pricey, their customer service is excellent. They used to be Saab specialists, but they do anything now. I think I will probably take mine there.

  6. Apologies for not having a good search around first, but I guess this might be a topic people want to chat about anyway, and I'm in an excited kinda mood


    If I want to upgrade my stereo, but not going crazy, what would be the best route?


    Is the standard head unit decent if you hook it up to some good speakers? I've noticed from playing around with the fader the rear speakers don't seem great. Would it be a good idea to replace these as a first move? Is it easy to do?


    I'm not really thinking about replacing the head unit, but I suppose it's an option.


    Basically I'm asking what are cost effective moves, I don't want to get drawn into spending a fortune, I've been down that route before

  7. Hello all


    I will be picking up my 350 on Thursday if all goes to plan and every time I think about it I get an adrenaline kick. I need to calm down, my stomach is in knots.


    Anyway, nice to see there is a decent looking forum out there, I hope to be a regular on here (but for cool things not problems)




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