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Posts posted by x.laura.x

  1. Hi Laura, you shouldn't have any models on your car without them asking first. If you're not there and someone takes a fancy then you can't really stop them, but they should never be touching/sprawling without owner's permission. I know whenever I'm shooting with models, that doesn't happen.


    yeah i know... think i might invent a alarm from when a model goes near it goes off ha ... maybe its me being a bitch but i just think some of the models if you saw them in asda dressed in jeans n a top you wouldn't go near them but as soon as they got bit of flesh out men are like flys...

    and if they wanted pictures them with the car then they would have to smile!...ha

  2. Great photo's.... maybe see some of you guys at japfest 2 at donnington...


    when i get my zed i don't want no models sprawling themselfs over my car! yuk!...if there bonnie then fair enough!

  3. Do many people meet up because i would be interested in coming to a meet and saying hello oviously if a clio is allowed in the same perimiter as the zed's ha or even doing a joint meet with me over in so.com?? just seemed to be alot of you at mod live but doesnt seem to be many meets going on...

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