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George Dredd

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Posts posted by George Dredd

  1. Yeah my best mate owned a soarer about a year ago and I couldn't believe how a twenty year old car could have such blistering performance, I knew if I ever had to get an old car it would be the soarer, he even performed the 50p trick of balancing a 50 pence on the engine, rev the car and it won't fall over! So I am one of only 54 owners in the country :yahoo:


    LRF4N: the soarer comes complete with a purple pimp suit and believe it or not it actually does come with a flare in the passenger foot well. B)

  2. Unfortunately due to splitting up from my girlfriend my 350z got sold last week, to ease the pain I went out yesterday and got myself a Toyota/Lexus soarer 2.5l twin turbo straight 6 here is the link http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/3256479.htm the car is twenty years old and the engine is so smooth, the car looks like new under the bonnet and pulls like a train! The bodywork has a few age related battle scars including a bullet hole like dent in the door which just adds to the aggression of the car and the roof is suffering from peeling laquer, nothing a sheet of carbon fiber vinyl won't hide. I really did love my zed and no doubt I will own another in the future but for now I'm going to be riding dirty :blink:


    My 350z ey54 zdl was sold to a dealer in markfield leicester so any potential buyers should be warned the car had a few problems....


    1. Bose sub woofer Cuts out.

    2. 6th gear synchro was a bit dodgy

    3. Clicking rear axle

    4. The boot and spoiler have issues due to substandard workmanship


    So if you go to buy it then make sure you get a big wedge knocked off the price.

  3. lorry drivers over taking at half a mile an hour faster than the other lorry, then going up a 1 degree gradient in the road then being undertaken, just as slowly, by the other guy. repeat this five times over 25 miles, and wonder why road rage exists



    +1 on this and middle lane hoggers. I pull a large trailer most days and I'm not allowed in the fast lane and both of these hold me up! Also I hate it when people don't change their indication when exiting a roundabout forcing me to stop when there is nothing coming!


    But most of all I hate the woman who was not only driving in the middle lane of the M1 when the left lane was clear but she was looking back at her children for at least 5 seconds whilst passing them something.... What the hell were you thinking? :bang:

  4. Today I was driving uphill on a dual c/way it was national speed limit area, I had one car in front of me and we were overtaking two articulated lorries, as we reached the brow of the hill there was a camera van pointing towards us, (I was doing 60 on the dot set on cruise control)naturally we both slammed the anchors on and dropped to 50 just incase, as I got closer to the van I saw some smaller than normal 40 signs attached to the lamp posts I was approaching :scare: so dropped the speed to 40 but I was thinking I never saw the signs change from 60 to 40 so I decided to drive around the roundabout and go back and past the camera van again, this time about 50 meters before the camera van i see the sign where the speed limit changes(that was previously hidden by the lorries I was overtaking) but there is only one sign on the left of the road instead of one on the left and right.


    So what I want to know is:


    1. Is the van likely to be trying to catch you the second it sees you so you don't have a chance to react and drop your speed to the legal limit?


    2. Can a cam van that is sat in a 40 zone film you in a 60 zone or does the cam have to get you once you are inside the 40 zone?


    3.if I was above the limit when I entered the 40 zone would I have a leg to stand on as the one speed limit sign was hidden behind the lorry I was overtaking therefore I had no chance of spotting the change in speed limits?


    4.there was 2 police vehicles behind the camera van, would they have pulled me over straight away and issued me a fine on the spot?


    Thank you


    Thanks for all the replys peeps but I just had to call them and ask if I had been caught, so now I can answer my own q's


    1. Yes, if they want to.


    2. If the van is in a 40 zone then they will only be enforcing the 40 zone.


    3. No, but would require further legal representation to dispute this.


    4. The police never work with the camera vans.


    So, the nice lady said she would just check to see if they were filming at that time.... It turns out that there was no speed cameras operating in that area at all that day, it was an ANPR team :bangin:


    Also if anyone didn't know they can't film unless that back window is down. But anyway I don't have a ticket coming after all :yahoo:

  5. 4.there was 2 police vehicles behind the camera van, would they have pulled me over straight away and issued me a fine on the spot?


    Thank you


    Just a thought. You don't normally have police vehicles with a camera van. It may be that van was checking for insurance/tax dodgers as that is when police are normally in attendance to chase after the dodgers when the signal comes through.


    Fingers crossed for you.


    Hmmmm that could explain why there were no speed camera signs :thumbs:

  6. I think there is some sort of requirement where your just expected to know what the speed limit is too......you don't see 30 signs down every street but you can be reasonably sure when your one one.


    Bugger mate :console:


    I see what you're saying but it is much easier to spot when you're in a residential area as opposed to a dual c/way changing to a 40 for no particular reason. Just gonna have to play the waiting game. I would take it on the chin if I had genuinely been carelessly speeding but I had every intention of obeying all the speed limits if I were able to see them.

  7. Think you'd have a problem proving it - but dunno the ins and outs of requirements for signs on both sides of the road - maybe one of our resident policemen can shed some light?


    I could always appeal I suppose, after all the worst they can do is reject the appeal and issue me the punishment they were going to give me anyway.

  8. Yup Zug's right...anytime any place - but they can hardly prosecute you whilst in the 60 though so I wouldn't sweat :shrug:


    :headhurt:I've only got two days to go until my fornight waiting for a NIP is up ...don't tempt fate :bangin:


    Thanks for the reply guys, but its not the 60 bit I'm bothered about as I know I wasn't speeding, its the bit where I entered the 40 zone without seeing the 40 sign and didn't know I was over the limit.

  9. Today I was driving uphill on a dual c/way it was national speed limit area, I had one car in front of me and we were overtaking two articulated lorries, as we reached the brow of the hill there was a camera van pointing towards us, (I was doing 60 on the dot set on cruise control)naturally we both slammed the anchors on and dropped to 50 just incase, as I got closer to the van I saw some smaller than normal 40 signs attached to the lamp posts I was approaching :scare: so dropped the speed to 40 but I was thinking I never saw the signs change from 60 to 40 so I decided to drive around the roundabout and go back and past the camera van again, this time about 50 meters before the camera van i see the sign where the speed limit changes(that was previously hidden by the lorries I was overtaking) but there is only one sign on the left of the road instead of one on the left and right.


    So what I want to know is:


    1. Is the van likely to be trying to catch you the second it sees you so you don't have a chance to react and drop your speed to the legal limit?


    2. Can a cam van that is sat in a 40 zone film you in a 60 zone or does the cam have to get you once you are inside the 40 zone?


    3.if I was above the limit when I entered the 40 zone would I have a leg to stand on as the one speed limit sign was hidden behind the lorry I was overtaking therefore I had no chance of spotting the change in speed limits?


    4.there was 2 police vehicles behind the camera van, would they have pulled me over straight away and issued me a fine on the spot?


    Thank you

  10. When I first saw the finished version I thought it looked ok but not as good as the ps version, I honestly think you should have stuck to your original idea of black doors with white arches and bumpers, that imo looked excellent. Such an extreme look is always gonna be a marmite one but as long as you like it that's what counts.

  11. And I just have to say WHAT A CAR!!! I remember when I was about 19 and I first saw a 350z on my way to work every day and used to dream about what it would be like to have such a nice car, well 9 years later I have one and its better than I ever could have imagined. I have owned it for about 9 months now and every time I drive it, it still puts a massive grin on my face. I have never owned a vehicle that gives me goosebumps each time I floor it or makes me want to take a photo whenever I see it and makes me turn the stereo off permanently just so I can hear that awesome roar.

    As my girlfriend is sick to death of hearing about "that bloody car" I thought I would share my thoughts with people who do care, so just incase I wasn't very clear I EFFING LOVE MY ZED!


    On a side note, that new GTR on tonights topgear.... Roll on 9 years :cloud9:

  12. Not sure why it doesn't work I have one that works fine, have you tried using an old tape to see if it works? Then you will know if its the tape or the player. The one you got from argos seems a bit of a rip off to me, they're old skool and should be cheaper, mine was a cheap one from a random junk shop in St Ives. I am now using a 'Lava' FM transmitter which I got for 9.99p from TK Maxx and it works perfectly, sounds great and NEVER loses frequency.

  13. Telfast 180 prescribed tablets do the job for me!! :thumbs: I've also got an infrared device with two prongs that go up your nose, purchased from boots...........i think! its meant to work, but i never really use it as the tablets do the trick.


    +1 on everything you have said, I suffer with extremely bad heyfever and the telfast 180 fexofenadine hydrochloride are the only thing that have even come close to working, on a bad day I could easily sneeze over 150 times in an hour and would suffer for two and a half months with at least 30 really bad days I know this might sound unrealistic but like I said it is extreme! Now for the last two heyfever seasons I have had no more than 5 really bad days. On a good day I will still easily sneeze about 30 times a day. These tablets have helped me so much.

    And as for the prongs that you put up your nose, well you look like Rudolph on holiday

  14. I know what you're saying but I wanted to start doing a bit on the car myself, its only a spoiler after all, how hard can it be?

    I only live two streets away from CS workshop, its not the convenience I'm after and if it doesn't go to plan then CS will still be around the corner.



    Oh you live close, you should come say hello sometime :thumbs:


    That's true, you may learn a lot doing it yourself. I don't have the confidence :lol:






    The Nismo N1 spoilers weigh a tonne, I wouldn't trust the adhesive to keep the spoiler on the car when travelling at 100+ mph. Imagine it flew off, the damage it could cause to someone/something could be immense!


    I'm hearing that! It would be devastating, so if anyone else has any input on the matter please speak now or forever hold your peace.I have not received my spoiler yet and was under the impression it would be quite light! Plus 100mph=instant ban :doh:


    Will deffo meet up soon, just remember not to drive behind me :p how about japfest 2?

  15. So I just need to know what glue/double sided tape I need and where to get it from.


    cheers :thumbs:


    You are aware that you need to drill 2 extra holes in the boot lid aren't you mate?


    Be very careful taking the old one off too - it can be a bugger to remove and many have ended up with scratching - ChrisS has taken his off previously himself and can prob offer some good advice.


    Try these guys for the paint http://www.paints4u.com/paintdoctor.aspx


    Yes I was aware of the extra holes needed, but I thought some people were not bothering with the extra holes and using extra adhesive, incase they ever wanted to put it back to stock.

  16. I know what you're saying but I wanted to start doing a bit on the car myself, its only a spoiler after all, how hard can it be?

    I only live two streets away from CS workshop, its not the convenience I'm after and if it doesn't go to plan then CS will still be around the corner.

  17. Hi zed heads, can anybody point me in the right direction(other than Nissan unless that's the best option) to get a tin of gunmetal paint for a spoiler that I won on ebay (its the nismo N1 I think). I also need to know if it matters what it is going on i.e metal or plastic. How much will I need for the spoiler? Don't worry I'm not attempting it myself but I do have to supply the paint.


    Now for fitting(I am attempting this myself)

    So I just need to know what glue/double sided tape I need and where to get it from.


    cheers :thumbs:

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