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Posts posted by webbtay

  1. Hi,


    I've just bought a 2005 350z that has done 24K miles. took it for the first spin this evening and noticed when I had the windows down (should have done this on the test drive :thumbdown: ) a noise from the rear around where the wheels are - think it was on both sides. It happened mainly when i took my foot off and the car slowed a bit as the revs dropped, the slight jerking of this caused the sound. Similar thing while accelerating. It doesn't happen over bumps etc, so don't think it's suspension. The noise is a plasticky clicky/scrappy noise kind of like a twig is caught under the wheel arch (yes, I checked and there are no twigs!).


    I'm getting it serviced Oct but wondered if anyone had come across this?



  2. Hi, I just got a 350z and there is a mini-jack lead in the area above the stereo which I have plugged my iPod into, however I can't figure out how to select the mini-jack as an input. Any ideas folks?




  3. Hi, waiting for my blade silver 55 plate 350z GT to arrive - hopefully tommorow. as you can imagine the wait is killing me!


    It's pretty tidy but the gear knob is in a right state so I want to replace it with an original (black interior). Does anyone have a minty one they want to sell? I'm in SE London.


    Otherwise look forward to participating in the forum, seems like a pretty cool & useful one with really helpful people, I have been combing through a lot already as a non-member.




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