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  1. Firstly hi to everyone on here! awesome car the 350z Lets just say i am a very close relation to the car and person in question here. First off I would like to keep this factual and honest. Because of that I would like to say the statement about them damaging the heads on purpose turns out to be incorrect. They look like they are damaged so this was investigated and it turns out to be very rough casting. Which to me and the average joe looked like damage. Apart from that every thing else is as it was. We considered taking it to else where to finish but the car was left in such a state we had no real option as everything would have had to be re-checked and re-done where needed. Also everything was in millions of parts. The Transit was full to the rim and it was one of the bigger 3 seaters. plus there was parts in the car. The cost involved for someone else taking on which was turned into a mess into the car it was intended to be was stupid crazy considering what he had already spent would of been a complete waste. Another horrific fact was while the car was there they had left thousands of pounds of parts in the car. It was unlocked!! Friends of his went down there while the car was there for mapping on one of their cars. They knew the 300zx was there. As anyone would knowing the car was intreged looked around it which was left sitting outside went to open the door and it was not even locked. they claimed no one said a think while they were looking around the car. That led to having to sell the parts. Listed on the forums first. Problem being most of the parts were the best of the best. e.g. Blitz Type 03 alloy wheels made to order very expensive, Bride Gias carbon seats, Labree exhaust system, Specialty Z Garrett turbo kit, aftermarket everything in the engine including the heads, titanium retainers, dual coil springs, over size valves and guides. etc. etc. I know the wheels and seats arnt car specific but it shows that no expense was spared on this car. Now you might think yeah is a shame but the guy can clearly afford it. The guy in question lives for the car scene, this was saved over many years, parts purchased over a period of time and most was on finance. Silly move now, yes. because the parts were some very high end stuff, selling them is proving difficult and having to sell at a massive loss. Why would someone want to spend £350 on a set of Bride mats? or £1400 on a exhaust system when you can go else where and get something similar for X amount. He wanted as good as he could get. As mentioned everything is being sold at a massive loss to move on. Not everyones cup of tea and not everyone spends every single penny they own on their cars. Still allot of stuff, but to show the amount of money in parts, This paid for a Honda Nsx. Which will not be going to Thor. Infact couple of times at shows we have all bumped into Thor, they know most of our group as we all used to go there and it's a long way from us. They don't batter a eyelid to us, they should be ashamed. First time they saw each other again Pete and Chris was when they were both queing to get into pod and both sat right next to each other without even realising it. Someone stated in earlier posts about mapping on a 300zx? that is a different car they messed up. If it's the one i think we recently had the pleasure of meeting the guy who now owns this car. Thor built the engine he claimed it was rubbish and had it rebuilt and this car also has had mega bucks put into it. infact it's such a state the work they done apparently a new car was sourced so they could make one good car. This is a car Thor use in terms of pictures and posters. it had their stickers down the side. That was a odd story also, from what i can make out the previous owner sold the car while Thor had it becuase he couldnt afford to pay for the work. Something doesnt add up there. this car looks awesome allot money spent so the guy knows how to spend it. i can only think they done the same thing said a price and it went up loads while they had it. I know of other cars they have messed up or ripped people off also. The truth comes out from people after someone goes through the same thing. They threatened him so no doubt threatened all of the rest. Rouge are behind Thor and i believe they work closely on some cars. If it was me i wouldnt want to be associated with them New management someone also mentioned? Yes the guy is called Alan, he was the one who said he was to nice for his own good. When it was at a point enough was enough and family members got involved to help Chris get this sorted Pete stepped down and wouldnt speak to any of us and spoke through Alan. Alan was the guy who ran away and sulked on day of collection as we wouldnt be bullied into signing a lie. Chris was also threatened by Thor that if this was to ever become public there would be consequences which keeping it to the point and factual there could never be. But Chris always felt funerable. If anyone has any questions i will try to answer. Thanks.
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