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Posts posted by hoffs350z

  1. Guys, i went out to the car just now, opened the boot, and think i've left the keys in the boot. Would it automatically lock itself? The spare is behind the passenger seat.


    Trouble is i need to trek 160miles tomorrow.


    Can you let me know if the above is the case and any quick ideas of gettin owt of this mess.




  2. Cheers the for tip buddy.


    Just a couple of pics - 1st one before I sent it to the paint sprayer for a quick buffer...

    Still yet to get the wheels done, having looked over them they don't warrent a wheel refurb so again, just gettin them polished up....

    Shame it lashed it down the second i drove away with it on friday and only just stopped today.


    Boot spoiler to add.









  3. Alright kids...

    Joined the forum a few weeks back....brilliant site btw.


    Got an 07 roadster 313, August last yr. I know some ppl think the roadsters are for the girls but love it. It's a machine. Jumped from a megane sport and now have quality and power. Love the bose sound system too.


    Only had one problem with the car, 1 week after purchase, and that was a water leak due to seal but replaced by nissan and all sorted. Can see why the prev owner wanted rid....


    Car is goin in for a buffer and wheel refurb tomorrow so will get some pics on here friday / saturday.


    Again, really good forum and some helpful people. Keep up the good work.


    Can't wait to get "Zoe" out in the sun.




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