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Posts posted by Mitch

  1. Saw a very nice zed on fri afternoon heading down the A63 towards howden it was a nice shade of yellow with black decals down the side of it didn't get the reg number as it was in a line of traffic , I flashed n waved but I was in my corsa always get blank looks back :lol:

  2. Hi Joey , sounds good to me hopefully something can be sorted so a good few of us can meet will have to c when Alex is planning a meet maybe combine into one meet : ) is there any kfc in Beverly or a good pub would do :lol:

  3. Get him sent over weekend of the 11/12 to assist three helpless females and a gay move house.......... :lol: Should be a right laugh if we actually manage to lift anything into the van between us! :lol:


    he's prolly moving himself that weekend or the week after.....I'll give you a bell when I'm coming down to visit ;)


    Sorry to hijack yer thread Mitch....BTW they're all Twunts and really not worth the energy getting angry :shrug: dust yourself off and go dump some prawns under the passenger seat of his car or something similar :ninja:


    Remind me not to pee off you :surrender::blush:


    :lol::lol: Find this onyour keyboard and push it...


    HaHa just had a good giggle at all your posts :lol::lol: my phone has been playing up so just got onto forum , a friend told me I should have rubbed a chilli pepper in his clean undies would have killed or cured him she said !!! :scare: but well funny :lol::lol:

  4. gutted, i was there sunday, and was looking around the gunmetal one, but nobody was around to speak to at the time, shame i missed u both, the wheels on both cars look great especially like the deep dish bbs style, very B)

    Somebody sort out an east yorkshire meet please, i'm too lazy :blush:

    Hi Joey , you were looking at the best z :teeth::lol: I'm supprised you missed us as we didn't leave the cars for long , would have been nice to meet you :D n yes we need to sort some local meets out , a KFC meet somewhere would be cool , :thumbs:

  5. Lol you can lick my car for £20 :thumbs: n what's wrong with my alarm it's well cool :lol: i got told off when i went for a wander round the show cos willo said my alarm wouldn't shut up ha ha least it kept the hoolgans away !!!you know what Hull is like :lol:

  6. Some fab photo's there chris :thumbs: i really enjoyed myself despite the unpedictable weather but was fun trying to leather the cars down before the next downpour :lol::lol: :lol:chris even tried to get the young un's to earn some cash to do the car's cos we had got sick o doing them n they weren't interested :lol: the youth of today :lol:chris i told you to get a double cheeseburger n not a pig roast ha ha , chris you missed the best laugh of the day cos just after u left all the rubbish bin's blew over n there was rubbish everywhere helped by the tornado winds was sooooo funny :lol: thanks chris for a very enjoyable day :yahoo:

  7. Sorry to hear about this Mitch, you deserve better. Can't stand people that use things like Iraq as an excuse as to why they are acting like complete cocks. I have a few mates that are soldiers and it hasn't affected them. It does affect some and people just see it as an excuse they can use to get out of blaming themselves. Be strong and you'll find someone who deserves to be with ya


    Just remember that every Frog ya kiss get's ya one step closer to ya Prince

    Hi Ian , how's you :) I know the more I think what he blames his actions on the more it bugs me my bro in law spent a long time in Iraq n saw some awful things but has got on with life , yeah think it's just an excuse to mess with the heads of women he meets ,

  8. Hi Mitch... sorry to read this.


    If it was the chap I met (when parked next door to you recently) then he did come across as a very genuine and nice chap... but obviously had a skeleton the size of a dinosaur in the closet......


    I hope the polishing and post-polish wine will help lessen the memory....

    Hi Mick , yeah that's the guy conned me good n propper spent lots of money on him ! Fool me I know lol , well I'm polishing the z n drinking carlsberg :thumbs: the beers r going down a treat but think the polishing has a bit to be desired :scare::lol: oh well it's only hull motor show :lol:

  9. Thankyou for all your comments :) he seems to blame spending time in Iraq for why he is acting the way he is , told him to get on with it n leave me alone n yes hopefully a true gent will b along in time :) I need to get out more but I live in the middle o nowhere not a pub in sight :lol:


    Hey there, had a long, all expenses paid holiday in Iraq myself - and can't stand guys who use it as an excuse to act like total sh!ts to thier sweethearts. Cowardly.


    Zed will never let you down :)

    Hi Evest , yep a coward he is n a few other names come to mind too :lol: going for a blast in the zed soon n then buckets n cloths wax n lots of elbow grease later as got to prepare it for a show tomorrow hopefully it will b sunny n I can get the hood down for a change B):lol:

  10. Sorry to hear this Mitch. Guys like this don't deserve the time of day from a decent woman but somehow always seem to get it. He will probably spend the rest of his life going from one relationship to another and never finding true happiness. Forget him, pity him and make your life what it should be, happy. Some lucky guy is going to benefit from this idiot losing a good thing so enjoy your freedom. Zed, meets and great people :yahoo:

    Hi Maccaman , yeah life begins again for me now :yahoo: just wished I'd spent my money on the zed instead of him , well we learn by our mistakes I certainly have lol !!

  11. Just move on Michelle. Time has a great way of solving these problems. If he is this way inclined you can be assured that he will have the same problems in the future and he is one to avoid.


    Juat keep attending the meets and i am sure things will work out well in the long run. :)

    Yeah your rite Martin , I've loved meeting all you guys n gals this year you are a good bunch :teeth: so roll on next year will def do zedfest ; ) sounded good fun shame I'd booked castle Howard proms :lol: but will need to get a suitcase genny to power mine n nixys ghd's :lol:

  12. Thankyou for all your comments :) he seems to blame spending time in Iraq for why he is acting the way he is , told him to get on with it n leave me alone n yes hopefully a true gent will b along in time :) I need to get out more but I live in the middle o nowhere not a pub in sight :lol:


    Well he has to blame something or someone else otherwise it would be all down to him and it can't be can it ;)


    Just whatever you do don't keep in touch or he will use you as a parachute every time things go bad at home with the missus :blackeye:

    Yeah your rite he kept blaming everyone but himself n even had the cheek to ask me to wait incase it didn't work out wit the mrs , told him to take a hike n I'm off , his loss !!! the zed will get more attension now bought some new bits already for it :thumbs: n got a show this sun at hull so will keep me outa mischief hopefully or mayb not !! Sod it !! :lol::thumbs:

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