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Posts posted by Smudge

  1. The fact is America is scared of north Korea and won't do anything about it, at the start of the invasion of Iraq they wanted to sail USA Nimitz past NK to get there quickly but Korea send a message to America telling them if they approach they will dink the Nimitz with nuclear weapons! So the Nimitz steamed full bore the long way- the whole way around the planet to avoid NK. We won't do anything about this, we cannot afford it, we font have the troops for it or the balls to take on a nuclear superpower.

  2. Lol well I've bought 2 already and have them on the b pillar windows, but twhen bradders starts selling the ones with names on I was planning on sticking the one with the name in the right hand side of the boot and another 350z one in the left corner.. So that free one would be handy ;-)

  3. 1/ martinmac

    2/ max

    3/ Lexx

    4/ ian.lewkowicz

    5/ JK240

    6/ Jenni86 (depending on the date)

    7/ AK350Z

    8/ Elfman

    9/ shieldsie

    10/ |chris|

    11/ MattyR

    12/ Dene8



    15/ ste01

    16/ SteveW (date dependent - dads birthday that weekend)

    17/smudge :-)

    18/ Rob Gaskin

  4. HA HA HA Matt, I was filling my pants when I saw the blue lights coming up strong I was deffinetly thinking it was game over! I have to say we are VERY lucky there lol.


    Today was AMAZING!!! some of those roads where out this world, it's the first time i've smelt burning brake disks lol, i'm still buzzing from the buttertub pass and some of the tighter roads. I cannot wait for the next one! altho i'll have to put on a diaper first i think lol.



  5. Talking about convoy, anyone fancy meeting up at the angel of the north car park? or somewhere around newcastle and heading down?


    Angel is doubling back for me a little.


    I might if the missus wasn't in tow too. Having said that depends what time she drag herself out of her pit. What about Washington Services Services?





    Yeah man washington works good to.. what time you think?

  6. They are under the rubber seal, if you pull it up away fron the inside part you'll see nuts all the way along the trim. the start just above where the base of the windscreen is and go all the way to half way down the B-pillar

  7. I'll still pop along.


    Wanna do like last time and meet at DFS?

    Smudge - I dont see you're name on this list!



    LOL i've just seen this post!! i'll try and be there but i've just got back from Stafford and my car is mucky as hell lol

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