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Posts posted by Demolition49

  1. Ok im going to view the car today, i have had it HPI checked and it has come out with no outstanding balance, i am covered for 30k of losses if i they supply me with incorrect information from what i can tell, I would apprieciate it if sombody can give me some advice on this issue and i am a bit weary of the whole thing.


    I have requested that the seller present me with paperwork to show there is no outstanding balance on the vehicle.


    When i see him today i am going to ask him in detail about this issue, and i will want details to contact the leasing company to check he is legally allowed to sell this vehicle or if they have any record of the vehicle and if they do i will get written confirmation they have records of it and its paid off.


    Anybody have some thoughts or input to put in id apprieciate it. :shrug:

  2. Ok guys i need some help here i e-mailed the person who i am interested in buying the car from and this is what i got back:



    Could you please explain the lease agreement? How many people have used the car under this agreement, and what is the main use of the car been under this agreement and for how long?






    The car belongs to me, has only ever been used by me, my name is on the log book and it has had no previous owners - all this is shown on the registration document. As you can tell from the mileage, the car has not been used a great deal, it's bit of a toy really. I've done a few long distance trips in it, mostly to France. The longest journey it's done was a trip to Le Mans last year. It was comfortable, pleasant to drive and amazingly we fitted all our gear in the boot. I have another car (Ford Focus Estate) I use for day 2 day stuff and I recently brought a motorbike which has replaced the Nissan as my summer toy.


    Originally, the car was purchased on a lease scheme rather than HP finance. With a personal lease you only repay the depreciation which, depending on your circumstances, can be a cheaper way to purchase a new vehicle, but you have to return the car at the end of the lease period. However, in this instance the lease/finance company was owned by the Icelandic bank and went into administration just before the lease came to an end. This meant I couldn't return the car, so it was refinanced by the administrators while they found a buyer for the company


    The lease company has now been brought by another bank so I'm free to repay the outstanding finance and sell the car.


    I wanted to make sure you was aware of the situation because I'm not sure what would have come up on an HPI check. I'm not sure if it would show as having finance on it or not and I didn't want it to look dodgy. Because of the way all this happened, I have a good deal on the finance so I don't want to clear it until someone wants to buy the car.


    I hope that helps



    help me? :shrug:

  3. Haha fair enough... i have all the information i need off here really just thought id ask anyway to double check.


    Anyway the car im looking at is owned from new but ive just been informed it is currently under a lease agreement and he advises me that will be cleared up before the car is purchased, i have done an HPI check and the car comes out ok, what are your thoughts people? Bang him down on price alot since different people would have been driving it and basically thrashing it?

  4. These cars are the ugliest things on the road imo. Shite 90's wedge design which was the precursor for the Z4, horrid interior, frenetic VTEC dog @*!#.


    Hate them. They may be rapid driven properly, but the car looks 15 years old imo, even the new ones.........



  5. get your point demo, just going on the info i previously had. i don't follow the GTR stuff as i'm not interested, so i suppose my info is a little out of date.


    that original price was for a dealership replacement box.


    how much did samurai spend to get that power?


    are these services available in the UK?


    appreciate the GTR for what it is, but if i had the money, i;d spend a bit more than the GTR and get a lambo Gayardo. its a dream car. unlike the GTR.


    No idea how much samurai spent but the mods were as follows:


    HKS GT570 kit. Cats removed, running stock exhaust.


    If i remember i think total cost is around 10k $ maybe less... id have to check it out! Not alot for that kind of power!


    Yes you can get that kit installed in the UK but havn't looked in to it with too much detail as old man doesnt want his GTR to be any faster hes quite scared as it is :lol:


    Yes agreed a lambo is nice (also my dream car) but i think my old man is tad bit... well old for that! and plus for the money you cant beat a GTR on a track.




    And trust me, its an amazing car, every car i get in now feels extremely slow! You have to see it/get to know it in the flesh to appreciate it!

  6. I am pretty sure i know the owner of this GTR, when my old man was getting his GTR's 6 month service we came in and saw this car, the owner was a chinese guy and his family owns half the restaurants in china town, he bought 4 GTR's i recognise it because he specifically showed me the LED's he got at the front. Pretty sure its him!

  7. my concern with the GTR is its built to a budget, and all those parts are being pushed to their limits.


    a gear box is well over 15k


    its fitted with a black box, if you buy one 2nd hand and still in warranty but the previous owner used launch control and then the engine blows when you have it. the warranty is void due to the launch control usage.


    theres the issue of minor impacts setting off the detonating pins in the hood. wasn't that like a 10K fix.


    i think nissan have done a great job with the car but it is in my opinion built right on the edge of their capabilities and the cars engineeering capabilities.


    if i had the cash i'd have the LFA


    love the dash in it, but th eLFA is hugely over priced for what it is


    Whoa Whoa Whoa! Dude i have one GTR project to show you...


    Please read the description! .... Nuff said!

    http://www.youtube.com/user/SamuraiSpee ... 27VMeSrJas


    Or maybe you should look at the switzer p800 Gtr....


    The transmission can be uprated and fixed for ALOT less than 15k... please see this vid!

    http://www.youtube.com/user/SamuraiSpee ... rr8UUuoNcE


    I rest my case!

    GTR IS an awesome car and so underrated with alot of crap floating around about it! (Not having a go at you by the way RT :lol: )

  8. A bit off topic, but if you do get an iphone make sure you get WhatsApp for it because its free messaging + pics and so on to all your iphone and blackberry friends xD :yahoo:


    But if you decide to wait go for the 4g all the way! i used to have iphone's but the 3gs converted me!

  9. That sucks but to be honest, id never go to dealer to sort out problems with my car for one they are overpriced and crap and that applies for all dealerships... ive had a VW, JAG & BMW mini.


    It sucks if your in warranty though as you shouldn't have to pay for anything!

  10. Just seen the pics, count me in :thumbs:




    1) rtbiscuit

    2) Bradders

    3) Dene8

    4) Demolition49

    5) ikarus (pending pics)


    7) DoogyRev (pending pics)

    8) Ian

    9) Maccaman (pending pics)

    10) tt350z ( pending pics )

    11) Zugara (pending pics)

    12) Jenni86 (pending pics)

    13) Toyboy

    14) Wasso

    15) Elfman

    16) shieldsie

    17) Roo


    Add yourself in then?


    18) .....?

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