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Posts posted by ThomasSoerensen

  1. Looking good Thomas with those wheels B) Don't be concerned about the car looking dirty it shows you drive it rather than pamper it as most here. Thats the way to play....drive it like you stole it :teeth:


    Are the wheels matt black of is it brake dust. My gloss wheels look like that be its from the brake dust :p


    I agree with your sentiment about keeping it McLaren clean.


    And the wheels are matt black intentionally :D

  2. I love those wheels :)

    Thanks, I am very happy with them too.

    I was lucky that the dealer, who got the car for his personal use, got these nice wheels for it, and then he had to sell. So these are my summer wheels and the wheels from my introduction thread are my winter wheels.


    The matt black finish hides brake dust and I think it gores really well with the black car.


    My mechanic is eager to wrap the car in matt black vinyl but I cannot justify the cost of that for the moment. Also, that might be too strong a statement to send to customers. I am just an IT guy after all not a mafia hit man.

  3. HI all

    Here are a few pictures I snapped today as I handed the car over to the guys fitting my new Strosek rear bumper. I have the bumper replaced because a nice neighbour crashed into the car.

    It needs a new bumper and a new rear light.


    I know the car is not very clean and shiny - but I don't mind that much.


    It is my daily driver and I do about 6000 km per month in it going to and from sales meetings all over Germany and usually also a trip to Copenhagen once a month.


    I like to keep it close to a sleeper - that is why I keep the long antenna :D
















  4. For fun drives, set it on SP7 but be aware when accellerating going around roundabout also take a spare set of pants with you :lol:


    Just be carefull when on sp7 in the wet with the TC off - don't look like a fool - like me - when fishtailing out of a roundabout :blink:

  5. That was a great write up Tom... really makes me wanna go. Was supposed to go last year but thigs happened and i couldnt.


    Thanks for the compliment on the writeup. I just put my thoughts down while the pics were uploading.


    Find an excuse to come over and experience the place - to me this is my holy place.

  6. Very well done Thomas :clap: I am so happy for you and you finally took the plunge. Its you hooked from now B)

    It was important you took your time going round the first time so you can appreciate the beauty and feel of history of the place. from here on it will be faster and faster upto you hit your talent limit or cars limit if you are lucky :teeth:

    I should have been comming tonight to take advantage of the long bank oliday but there are too many other stuff that i have to address so i would be looking doing the next 4 months end(july -October) so we may plan something :thumbs:


    It is to early for you to assess your brakes but they look quite dusty before you went in :p


    Thanks for the open invite from you and Gaz B)


    I am soo happy I did finally did it. A few things just needed to fall into the right places first.

    All I know about the brakes is that they were more than fine for my slow lap. I am sure they can hold up to a lot of abuse. But I think it will be a while before I do 5 laps in a row before taking a rest in the carpark so the brakes will always have amble time to cool.


    and the Ring is not THAT hard on the brakes. I think Hockenheimring was harder as you have the topspeed to hairpin corner braking at the end of the loooooong curve there.

  7. A wednesday is good for me mate i think we should look at one towards the end of June beginning of July or a friday as i can get away both days quite easy. Think there is a few of us in and around this way so might be worth having a look to see if we can get a few of us together for it possibly a friday day overnight hotel few drinks and then Saturday. As i know you can buy a day pass and might as well make a day of it.


    Can we set up a way to have people indicate possible times and then we use that to organize a day.

    Maybe I will just move there and you can all crash at my place. I feel like doing that tonight :D

  8. They are fine on letting you take cameras round last time i was there had a coach go round with a bunch of coffin dodgers on it taking pictures and recording.


    I think they see that differently to some guy with a mounted camera going balls out to get a great video to brag to the world.

    I assume the coffin dodgers did not drive the coach.

  9. That appollo is stunning! :cloud9:


    the Apollo is amazing - one of my favourites, it looks to purposeful and is completely function over form - unfortunately they hand pushed it around the car park - so I did not get to hear the twin turboed Audi V8 :evil:

  10. @andlid: Love you too bro :teeth: and I have no idea about the ruf - but it sounded like a mix of thunder and earth quake when he moved around the carpark - mental machine

    like the way you quote B)


    I'd say it would be mental to drive... did they do any check if you had any cams onboard?


    Maybe the guy at the entry boom looked into the car while I used the ticket to open the boom - but no proper check was conducted. When I was at one of the spectating points I could see at least one (UK) car with a passenger holding a camcorder. That might be the way to do it, with a friend, hiding it at start and finish, and being cameraman during the lap.

  11. @Husky: So you wrote your reply with one handed typing ?


    The cars were stunning. But I have a feeling it is like that very very often there. I will have to stop by and collect data for proper statistical analysis more often :teeth:

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