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Posts posted by Fuse

  1. Yeah repetition was always my thing too! For wordy stuff I'd write out concise notes as has been suggested and then keep going over them, covering them up and reciting all the key points and then glancing down to see if there was anything I'd forgotten. Read again, recite again and keep going until it's all in there!


    For anything technical I'd just keep doing as many examples from text books, past exam papers, etc. until I was happy I'd got it nailed.


    I don't envy you though, I loved my time at uni but I'm not sure I'd fancy doing it all again with all the coursework and exams!

  2. It's not uncommon to find mixed tyres front and rear, they're going to wear at different rates so plenty people end up just shopping for the best bang for the buck tyres for either the front or rear axle, not expecting it to make too much difference. I know before I joined this forum I'd not really though about it being a problem.


    On a slightly related note, I hear from people at work all the time "oh they're only tyres, I'll just get the cheapest ones around, it doesn't really matter". Those four bits of rubber are the only thing connecting you to the road though. Maybe it depends what you're driving, but I think it's worth paying a little more for some that will actually keep you there rather than in the nearest tree!

  3. I've browsed to other forums before where it's asked if I want to view or learn more about Tapatalk and I always just cancel it and view it in normal mode. Maybe I should actually give it a try though if people think it's a good system. I think I've just got used to cancelling and ignoring anything that pops up in my browser and asks if I want to install something!

  4. I'm kind of the same, I very rarely sit through ad breaks. I either go off and get a drink, go to the loo, etc. or else I start channel hopping! The missus adores the Coca Cola Christmas ad though with the truck, she still gets excited now every time it comes on!

  5. Judging by some of the Nissan dealerships I've dealt with I wouldn't be surprised if they genuinely did try and fit a cambelt! If it's not a Micra they're stumped!

    Unless its a performance centre. Alex f noble engineers seem very clued up


    True, I'm being unfair really, you get good and bad dealerships with any manufacturer and Nissan are no different.

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