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350 giZ

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Posts posted by 350 giZ

  1. just finished my food and I had baked haddock with roasted courgette, sweet potato, red onion, tomatoes and peppers. Was yummy.


    I bet it was yummy, very healthy! Brain food, too.


    Jamie Oliver thould try a dith like thith, it may even help him theer a couple of poundth from that mammoth tongue of hith?

  2. Ahh, no, actually! :lol:

    I could tell you this one time, I used to mow this woman's lawn for pocket money when I was 13 (so about 8 and one half years ago). Anyway, I'd finished cutting, I was sat, watching Countdown in her front room, whilst this old gal was making me a well deserved brew. I got excited, and so........ :snack::p:teeth:


    I'll shut up.



  3. Fifth gear much better, too much clowning around on Top Gear, plus Vicky Butler is gorgeous ;)


    are you serious? She is old and not fit. :yuck:



    :lol: You're obviously in your very early twenties! When you get to the back end of your twenties, women like her are to be appreciated, she looks naughty, and I reckon she could drink a few of us under the table even though she has a posh voice!

    - from my experience she'd be awesome and I reckon pretty hard to please, but I'm sure a few wouldn't mind having a go at that!! :flowers::bleh::ninja::dummy:


    Long live VBH


    Hey, wait...... I'm 21, I've liked VBH since I was a sprog. She, along with Carol Vorderman created my first ever E_EC___N.


    "I'll have a consenant, please, Carol."



  4. oh right cool, so im guessin does will also put the insuracnce up as well, im only 21 and already it seems a tad pricey?


    Hello mate. Welcome to the forum.


    I, too, am 21 years old and just recently purchased my Z.

    I've insured it with Admiral on their 'Multi-Car' scheme. That covers for every car that is on your drive, so if you're still living with your olds, then this would be the one to go for.

    Basically, I have 12 months on my '08 350z from Aug, then when my Mum's car is up for renewal (Jan '10), and my Dad's (Apr '10), their cars are fully covered from these dates up until mine is then up for renewal itself.

    So, for 24 months worth of car cover I got it for £1054! Most other quotes did not even come close to this, as I'm sure you have already discovered! :lol:


    Hope you find the right car, and the insurance isn't too much to make you flee to the toilet.

    Good luck. :thumbs:

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