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Posts posted by Gball1973

  1. Thoughts are with you Paul. It's a bloody awful disease - it doesn't discriminate.

    One of my ex's died just a few weeks ago from a brain tumour. I hadn't seen her in years and our break up wasn't the best, so i didn't even know she was ill, but it brought back a lot of memories - good and bad but i'll always try to remember her with a smile. Turns out that the tumours (yes, multiple) were found just weeks after she had been given the all clear. She had already went through the masectomy, recontruction and chemotherapy. All at 38 years young.

  2. F$*%ing awful. :rant:

    Chris, ask the coppers to notify the high street jewellers, asap, as well. If you can get serial numbers for the electrical items and photos of any of the bling get them copied and sent round as well. Hopefully this will help catch the thieving little scrote.


    One of my staff had a similar experience recently. She and her hubby were actually in bed sleeping when the scumbag broke in and took the lot. Coppers got him after a week, but the gear he offloaded at a well known high street jeweller had already been sent off for smelting. The fact that this individual was well known throughout the city centre as a drug addict/shoplifter didn't stop this store handing over cash for what must have been blindingly obvious was not his property.


    Dundee council and Tayside police has an anti crime network http://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/duncan/index.htm which produces a book which is -

    • Produced monthly

    • Contain target files of known persistent local and travelling criminals

    • Contain details of people excluded from the City Centre

    • Contain images taken from Police CCTV for identification

    • Contain Police images showing unidentified persons wanted for shop crime

  3. Don't get me started on cyclists. Round here I keep seeing them riding on dual carriage ways and the taybridge (not the cycle/footpath). Very dangerous when you come round a corner picking up speed and then see a cyclist ambling along especially when there's another car in the right hand lane!

    Big +1especially about the bridge. Had a muppet in front of me, coming from Dundee to fife the other night, although he did have lights you could barely see the rear light for his mud guard and was wearing dark clothing :bangin::bang::bangin::bang:

  4. I'm not going to drive in the meantime, not until I've walked to my nearest W H Smith..... just in case there is something else that I've missed.

    Ah, but that section has been changed as well. For instance, press the button at the crossing point and just walk out anyway, leaving road users stuck at a red light for an empty crossing. ;)

  5. Is that not part of the idea/video for Metallica's "One" ?

    Well spotted :thumbs: Indeed it was. Read the book after i saw the "One" video then tracked a copy of the film down. Probably one of the few films which has shaped who i am today (as Bill Hicks said "for the troops but againt the war").


    Dalton Trumbo the author was ostracized in the US during/after WW2 for being "un-american" and :bangin::bangin: and the print suspended til the end of the war. He later refused to testify at a House Un-American Activities Committee investigating "communist influence in hollywood".

  6. All time favourite is an anti-war film set during WW1 called Johnny Got His Gun. Storyline is basically - guy goes to war (for democracy), guy gets blown up and loses ALL senses, his only communication being tapping his head using morse code, goes mad, fights madness and realises he went to war for a word. I'd love to see a remake set somewhere like Iraq or 'stan, think it would put the "war against Terror" into better perspective.




  7. Pro'bly p1$$ed, close call though Pete.

    About two weeks ago, had a drink driver write off one of the neighbours Espace, another neighbours (british gas) work van, his own S-class and damages yet another neighbours MX5 :thumbdown: . All on the main road of the village in the early hours. Driver's wife dobbed him in, but waited til morning to phone the cops (IMO to let some of the alcohol out his system). Glad Vik parked up the hill that night :blink:

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