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Posts posted by UNABASHED

  1. Good! I hope he is punished appropriately for assaulting and causing physical harm to another person.

    This is the problem with 'have a go hero's' - they are not trained to deal properly with challenging situations and are unlikely to know how to safely restrain someone - we have to be realistic here - any intervention should be proportional to the alledged crime being commited - or are we actually advocating batteirng anyone who we don't agree with or answers us back?!

    The young person was not armed nor was he physically threatening yet he was physically thrown to the ground twice.

    As I said in the previous thread - yes he was a cheeky wee sod and his language was fowl but did the conductor stop to listen to him? No he stood over him and shouted at him - how the f*ck else was he supposed to react? How would you have reacted?

    The young person - who BTW is an engineering student at Herriot Watt not your stereotypical 'Hoodie' - has also been charged with some obscure part of the CJ Act - I doubt the PF will prosecute once they have the evidence of two single journey tickets being purchased checked out - the 'Big man' (6ft + and approx 18 stone against oooh I'd say about 5"8 and 9 stone) however will be up in front of court and he not the young person will cost the taxpayer at least £75k.



    Think I have to agree with everything you just said there!

  2. Jaysus Ladz!!! :wacko:


    Ioneabee I want to be a fly on your wall when your other half opens that present!!! :bangin: I hope its just some in joke that the pair of you have and not for serious :lol:


    Home-made cheque book - each one has a 'treat' on it and she can cash one in at a time - ranging from a massage - to you doing the housework for a week - to a meal out - to a new pair of shoes.... or of course you can just make it entirely 'bedroom' based ;)


    I think I gave this advice last year too - did anyone try it?


    They used to do these things in Anne Summers et al, I once bought them for a previous gf but the washing up and hoovering cheqe was used way more than the others so kinda lost the point! :lol:


    And it seems like if I give her this I will keep having to do things for her, i feel i do enough already. Maybe if I give her a cheque book with things things she could do for me she would appreciate it just as much?

  3. Looking for a final christmas present for the other half, and she has expressed an interest in these singing games for xbox or wii after playing on one with the girlies one night.


    Only really played on one once and i think that was singstar but not sure as a while ago, has anyone else had any experience with them for the above formats that could recomend one to get?

  4. I don't agree with bad road practice for bikes or cars, but any sort of banging or slapping has to be surely classed as road rage?? All this will do is short term is encourage the driver to go into a fit of road rage and cause danger to himself and the cyclist, and in the long term it will make them have a hatred for all cyclists on the road and be far more likely to treat them like crap and cut them up everytime they go past them.


    I for one would not be inmpressed if a cyclist banging his fist onto my car, not sure I would be able to just let it go either.

  5. the problem with insurance companies now is that you usually have a broker, an insurer and then in the event of anything actually happening you have a incident management company. The amount of issues I had with a previous accident were ridiculous and it was almost impossible to get any of the companies involved to take responsibility for anything.


    I feel your pain :surrender:

  6. My god that was stubborn! It was the rubber mounts I was talking about, gave them lots of lube and lots of banging, pushing, shouting and swearing and finally got them off.


    Time for some grub!


    Thanks guys!

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