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Posts posted by mylesmcg

  1. im so gutted about this weekend because my dad scuffed the front bumper of my zed and i have a small dent and crack in the paint on the front of the bonnet where a stone attacked and i was supposed to have the car in the body shop this week to get those sorted but haven't had the time or the funds. so im going to have a wounded zed at the meet and everyone elses will be perfect :cry:

  2. bored at work and while staring at my zed out the window and thinking about the up coming meet on the 20th i thought "wonder what the actual HP is of my zed is?" and then i thought why don't i see if anyone would be interested in putting theirs on the rolling road and decided to start this thread. so if we get a few people interested maybe marty, you could see about getting something organised mate? :thumbs:


    just a thought :boxing:

  3. don't know if i want an exhaust because i hate that loud raspy noise....think its horrible (sorry if anyone has this lol) i like the exhaust to be a nice low deep burble if you know what i mean

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