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Posts posted by Jak

  1. As in title, the piece of black plastic trim that runs along the bottom of the window (drivers side) has somehow broken :( So i now require a new one.


    Does anybody have one?



    I havn't managed to call Nissan so dont know what their price is yet....





    Many Thanks






  2. not this one, i have to drill holes into the front of the bumper to fit it :scare: am actually wondering if i took off the bits that go through the bumper whether some double sided sticky would hold that part and use the normal means of attaching it everywhere else?!




  3. i really like the vinyls, though i'm not sure the girlfriend will, she'd probably say something along the lies of "it just looks like your trying too hard" or " it's a bit showey offey" :lol: She dosnt really get the whole car thing - more interested in books and dresses!





  4. i had considered that - but think i will stick to the GM for the spoiler and the K11 for the rest, i really like the look of this car you see, may evenb get the stickers after the kit has been fitted, which i know may be a little contraversial on here!


    http://www.desktopmachine.com/framepic. ... &size=1024


    http://www.desktopmachine.com/framepic. ... &size=1024



    its a shame i can't rest the splitter to look how it will when it's fitted cos at the mo it obviously sits too far out and at a slightly odd angle - still gives an idea though i guess!





  5. Thanks guys - Nismo skirts and spats are definatly future go-ers plus spoiler in GM, however at the moment im trying to save to go to japan - just the price on this was to good to pass up considering its genuine Nismo too :blush:


    i have a feeling the rest of the kit may end up being copies though unless similar bargains arise!


    Its a shame the pics arnt that good (iPhone) as it dosnt really show the colour that well.





  6. I recently purchased a Nismo front splitter from a member on here via ebay. Won it for £72 which i was pleased with.


    anyway, heres how it looked when it arrived:






    All in pretty good condition, though in need of a respray even if my car was sunset lol! So then i had a think and decided to get it painted satin black and dropped it into the body shop.......... then i changed my mind!


    I was looking at the pictures of my car next to the GTR and thought that the grey colour they use for the splitter etc on the GTR would be pretty good too - went down to the bodyshop to see if i was too late to change my mind and luckily it as in primer :phew:


    Changed the colour to K11 Smoke - the same colour used on the GTR and heres how it looks now:





    A few shots of it rested on the car (just to give an idea!)








    Im pretty pleased to be honest just gotta get it fitted now - which i'm dreading doing to be honest. Normally up for having a go myself but drilling into the front of the bumper is a little nerve racking!


    so what do you think?





  7. i have not tried, so this may be total garbage but....


    what sort of cloth are you using? have you tried using a more textured cloth so that it gets between the small dimples on the surface?



    As i said that may be a rubbish piece of advice but it does makes sense in my head!





  8. Sorry slightly :offtopic: but me and my bro were looking into going halfs on an xbox soon and was wondering where would be the best place to get one - ideally need two controllers dont need an elite, and as we would only use the storage for game data (neither of us are massive gamers so no online stuff really and wouldnt really have that many games just forza and a few others) would probably be able to get away with the entry level one.....





  9. Thanks for the help guys, hiring a GTR sounds immense - may have some convincing to do though as far as the GF goes!!


    Yeah we are heading for Tokyo but want to see outside the city too so Nikko sounds good!


    also found a tour that takes us to see snow monkeys - just wondering wheter it makes sense to pay for the tour (£800 for 4-5 days :scare: only 1 of which involves the monkeys) or do it ourselves - i.e. daytrip out on the bullet train!


    will have a chat with my gf and try and get a list together of what type of things each of us particulaly want to do!


    Again i'd be well interested to see some the downhill drift runs but the missuse is less car orientated, so we will just have to see on that front!



  10. Jak, why don't you phone the necessary council offices and have a wee word with them. If you don't let thoughts be known nothing will be done. Get the neigbhours in on the act too.


    It has crossed my mind, and i still may do it, but unfortunatly, like others have said, you ultimatly dont really get listened too. Still winds me up a treat though!!




  11. Thank god i'm not the only one - was worried i might sound like a wally!! :blush:


    What i dont understand is why they dont roll it in properly afterwards?? i realise they are saving money not hiring the roller and just letting the traffic do it, but i bet it causes more accidents etc so the money they save there just ends up in the NHS having to deal with the aftermath of it all...... an lets face it the traffic dosn't roll it in properly either.


    What really bugged me was the fact i deliberatly took an alternative route to the gf's last night because of this but low and behold they had done it on the alternate route too!! :angry::rant:

  12. Councils "resurface" a road by seemingly just chucking a load of loose stones all over it!!!!


    I mean really what is the point???


    Sure it might take less time but i bet you they have to do it at least twice as often as they would have to if they just did a proper job??


    I have already got at least one chip from driving through one last night en route to my gf's, may have to abstain for a while lol!!


    I wonder how well they will look on an invoice for resulting repairs? :boxing:


    Sorry for the rant - it just "grinds my gears" :lol:



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