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Posts posted by alessandro

  1. Here comes the noob question: where is the bucket to rinse the car?

    I normally:Wet the car, have 1 bucket with shampoo, soak the mitt clean one panel, "twist" the mitt so all the water come out, soak the mitt in the bucket with only water in it and rinse the residues of shampoo from the panel.

  2. :surrender: I'm sorry to ear about the GTR Paul.


    If you go candy apple I would be really jealous as it's my fav colour :cloud9:

    something like in this pics ( obviously with no flames ), metallic candy apple with sprayed on top one of those glossy paint that slightly change colour( maybe apple green ) depending from which angle you looking at

  3. Aless, i would like to point out that "Super" unleaded fuel it no different from "Normal" fuel in respect to it being cleaner more pure. The only difference is that Super unleaded has more

    additives injected into it at time of loading into the fuel tanker at the fuel terminal.


    All fuel companies use a number of distrubition terminals across the UK and even the tesco, asda etc load their tankers from the same places as the Shell Bp and esso. The reason the Supermarket prices are slightly cheaper is because they have less additives put into their fuel at time of loading.


    Was good too meet you on sunday. :thumbs:


    More aditives= better fuel=more expencives as a general rule? ( I know it's a lot more complicated than this) I normally fill up at Tesco but when I use V-Power it seems to me that the car feels more smooth and get more mpg, but it might be all in my head.


    Zugara was nice to meet you too :wave:

  4. The ECU adjust on what type of fuel you use, saying that super it's reccomended as the Zed it's a performance car, also the super it's cleaner / pure than normal petrol.

    If you go for normal unloaded used Redex from time to time to clean the enjectors etc..

  5. Had a similar question on cats last week, and found it on google ( even if the 350US site said 20Kg and on a scale was only 15.5 in the box).


    For courier try paisley freight, they seems cheap



  6. Today I was given a bottle of Redex for petrol injectors, I have heard of it before ( on here ) and I know what it suppesed to do but never used it in any of my cars.

    So, is this safe and reccomended (or not) to use on the Zed and there is any precourtions that I need to know?

    As stupid as it sounds, do I have to pur the Redex straight after filling up or can I drive home ( 2miles max ) and do it there?



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