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Posts posted by zDan

  1. What i was meaning was from the point of view of driving it every day i think i would find the STEP DOWN to "normal" cars hugely disappointing already.


    Well, in my case just after I test-drove the first zed, I went on another test drive with a diesel 1-Series beemer, which was the alternative for a "sensible" car. Quite a bit of poke, also real-wheel drive, but just so underwhelming. A week after I test-drove an S3, and even though it felt more of a match and shifted pretty well, it still didn't bring a buzz. Then pretty much everything I've driven since (and that means a whole bunch of "normal" cars) felt like a step down.

  2. I don't think it ever does become "normal"... part of the joy of owning a performance car really... you can drive "normally" most of the time and use it as regular car, same as you can just open up the window and be dully reminded it's not "normal". I'd say it's the character of the car just as much as performance that keeps it out of the norm

  3. Hi all


    Been reading recently the thread about whether brake pads should be declared to insurers and after a bit more digging I read that the DS2500 pads are in fact not road legal? Apparently they don't have the R90 certification which is required for use on cars post 2001, and they are for track use only?


    There seems to be quite a lot about this on the internet - with opinions on both sides (surprise, surprise).


    Anyone here know a more authoritative source of information on this?


    1. Ebized+1.............sat & sun................18/19/20 May (Fri, Sat, Sun)

    2. Wasso+1.............Sat & Sun ...............Fri, Sat, Sun

    3. Maccaman...........(Sat & Sun)..............18/19/20 May

    4. ChrisS+1..............Sat & sun...............staying at own 5* accommodation

    5. Ken....................Sat & Sun...............18/19 May

    6. Chesterfield+2......Sat & Sun...............18/19/20 May

    7. glrnet+1..............sat & sun................18/19/20 May

    8. Bockaaarck+1.......Sat & Sun...............18/19 May

    9. JetSet...........}....Sat & Sun...............No accommodation needed

    10. 350ZCaroline.}....Sat & Sun...............No accommodation and Sunday drive only

    11. Will 350z+1 ........Sat & sun...............18/19/20 May

    12. Blacky+ 1...........Sun.......................19th May

    13. Andyvvc+1.........Sat & Sun...............18,19 and 20th May

    14. Madmarky...........Sat & Sun ..............Fri, Sat, Sun

    15. Lincolnbaggie.......Sat & Sun..............18/19/20 May

    16. octet(+Leti)........Sat, Sun................18/19/20 May

    17. choptop+1..........Sat & Sun...............Booking still to be confirmed

    18. Darren-b.. .........Sat & sun................18/19/20 May

    19. Shire350z........... Sat & Sun ............. 18/19/20 may

    20. Ricey & Carla........Sat........................Chez Moi

    21. M13KYF................Sat......................No Accom required

    22. Marzman...............Sat......................No Accom required

    23. RC182+1...............Sat&Sun...............18/19/20 May Booked

    24. R35LEE +1...........Sat & Sun.............. 19th May Booked

    25. daveparkin+1.......Sat & Sun................ 18/19/20 May

    26. Atkin666+ 1..........sat& sun ............... 18/19/20 may booked

    27. zippy+1.............. sat & sun ............. 18/19 booked

    28. garetgax +1............sat & sun........... 18/19 booked

    29. GT4 Zed +/-1............Sun.................No accomodation required

    30. mattbowey .............Sat&Sun ............ Will be booking the 19th soon

    31. zDan +1..................Sun.................... No accomodation required

  5. I must say I found all pre-mixed ones to be good, the concentrated ones are a bit hit and miss. In particular Tesco's value concentrate was pants - more like a smudge than a wash. Plus it smelled awful :yuck:

  6. I found http://photo.net to be quite good advice-wise - despite running the most antiquate piece of forum software you can find on this planet.


    Otherwise http://photonotes.org are also a must read - even if it's not a large forum as such.


    The trouble usually is forums tend to be full of people with strong opinions and especially camera gear nuts, and sorting out the useful and sensible advice is difficult. Learning by experimenting together with a book explaining the basics tends to be more satisfying.

  7. Considering that even when it shows the dashes I can only fill up at most 65-68 litres and the car has an 80 litre tank then I wouldn't be surprised if one can even do 50-60 miles more before it dies.


    However, I never want to run the risk so I just fill up :lol:

  8. This being a private car park best thing to do is to get the person that owns it to do something about it.


    Typically with flats there is a management company that has to act (I suspect your site administrator works for them). Some of these companies are more clued up than others. They should have all the legal rights to put parking enforcement notices and can contract specialized companies to remove any vehicles that do not have a right to be parked on their land and charge the car owners fees, etc.


    Do you rent or own the flat? If you own the (long term lease?) flat then you have the right to demand the management co. to do something. Writing letters and going the legal route usually gets the balls rolling. If you short-term rent you have to go through your landlord which could be slower, but can be effective nevertheless. The more people from the flats complain the better too.

  9. Just pitching in to add another recommendation for the guys at Marshalls Nissan in Bury St. Edmunds - had the car serviced there last week, P2 service and MOT with own-supplied oil and spark plugs. Very happy with the service, the chaps there were very helpful and quite Zed-friendly so to say, they fixed and double-checked everything I asked for.


    Same as mentioned earlier in the thread, I also got a "forum discount" and the new Nissan Roadside assistance - which was a welcome a bonus too. Excellent value on the whole, don't think I could ask for more to be honest.

  10. If you are going to buy an SLR Nikon's are known to any pro photographer as the best. It's not just about going for the biggest Megapixel you can lay your hands on but other technical aspects (file formatting, speed and lense quality).

    That kind of statement is bound to start a pissing contest :lol: TBH I don't think there's much to sqeeze between Canon and Nikon, but for a beginner in particular Canon may be more appealing because all EF lenses work on all of their bodies, whereas with Nikon you need a higher-end body to use non-motorized lenses. Oh, and you have to pay for Nikon's RAW software too.


    There are plenty of photography magazines about that do tests and reviews. I'd advise going and buying a couple of those and reading them thoroughly.

    Yes, a couple of those will suffice. They all tend to be the same afterwards :dry: But there's plenty of things to read about on the net nowadays

  11. Unfortuantely, SLRs dont have good cheap lenses :blush:

    They do (e.g. 50mm prime) :teeth:. However, the saying is that out of three (price, optical quality and reliability) you can only have two.


    My advice would be the 55-250mm IS which is cheap and quite useful (even if it will probably break down a few years down the line)

  12. I do pretty much exactly the same kind of daily drive you do. For the commute part I do between 19 to 20 mpg, depending if it's winter or summer or how much I like to sound the exhaust at people :lol:


    I guess that makes about 90 liters of comute petrol per month. I end up filling up 60 liters almost twice per month, considering all other driving involved.

  13. Should the UK adopt The Euro?


    A cross-section survey of 1000 people in Bradford, made up of Afghans, Albanians, Pakistanis, Zimbabweans, Iraqis, Somalis, Bosnians, Turks, Moldavians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Bangladeshis, Ethiopians, Russians, Congolese, Portuguese, Poles and Nigerians were asked if they thought Britain should change its currency to Euro.

    99.9% said no, they were happy with the Giro.


    Actually, the version I heard was slightly different. In that version the Afghans, Albanians, Pakistanis, Zimbabweans, Iraqis, Somalis, Bosnians, Turks, Moldavians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Bangladeshis, Ethiopians, Russians, Congolese, Portuguese, Poles and Nigerians all voted in favour of the Euro, just because it's a far more useful currency to have to deal with.


    I think it was the remainder of the otherwise British population which couldn't be bothered to take part in the survey, because they were happy with the Giro.


    But it's just a joke really. :teeth:

  14. If your car is a UK car you should have got 3 keys - two standard fobs and the smaller one.


    The smaller key can be used to lock the doors and open/lock the storage compartment behind the passenger's seat, but it can't be used to deactivate the alarm I think. The manual should explain all that.

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