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Posts posted by Bluerat

  1. Ahhh i dunno i love the way Clarkson picks on things little things and makes a massive deal about them. We all know the Z is an ace car however he does have a couple of good points imo. Nothing that deserved that kind of backlash but its all for entertainment isnt it? Its funny to watch him rip into cars i dont own :-) so i can let him off with this one. He gave the 370 a decent review tho :-)


    Also if i remember rightly Top Gear mag/online or something rated the Z quite highly.


    Clarkson for Prime Minister :yahoo:

  2. As i mentioned in this post




    I began looking for a Z about 3 months ago, i finally get one last week from PhilTheForce which is awesome i have to say.


    Anyway after a weekend of joy i then loose my job on the monday leaving me with very little money as you can imagine. Now obviously i could seriously cut my out goings and then hopefully i would be able to keep the Z. However I could also sell the Zed and I would be a lot better off.


    Apart from this being unusally unlucky it made me think long and hard about the value of my Z. Now i plan on pretty much living on things i find in bins if it means i can keep the Z, but what would you do? Could you bear to give up your Z in a financial crisis?


    Loosing my job however does give me more time with the Z!! :yahoo:

  3. Hey all


    A few months back now i went looking for a 350, and found one i liked in Market Drayton at a garage called NWS. It was an import that hadn’t been sva’d etc but I figured I could wait for that so after some dealing I gave a deposit and drove back home.


    Week after week excuses came as to why it wasn’t ready to collect, but being a trusting person and with it being the car I really wanted I let him off and gave him the benefit of the doubt. Now after 2 ½ months I finally picked her up. You can imagine the joy of driving her after 2 ½ months of waiting but this joy was short lived. The day after I got it i was driving with my mate and it began to cut out and I was sat on a bypass with a car unable to start. After having the RAC out 3 times that night I managed to get it going and took it to Nissan to be looked at. Turned out to be the battery but they also found that the driveshaft needed replacing as it had some play in it.


    The car came with 6 month warranty so I wasn’t too worried and managed to get it back to the garage to be fixed. Nearly a week later and they tell me it isn’t the driveshaft it’s the spare wheel knocking about……….WTF? :scare: I asked if they would fix it and they basically said “well I’d rather give you your money back as I can sell it as it isâ€. To me that says ahhh you caught me (thanks entirely to this forum by the way, good work :teeth: ) but someone else will come along at some point. Im actually quite relived as for a while now I have been thinking there are better models out there for less.


    After some heated discussions I got my money back and the money it cost me for Nissan to check it over, but still without a Z and now need to find another one. Heartbroken isn’t the word, only had 4 days in it and loved every second!!!! :drive1


    This guy now has 2 350’s on his forecourt, my advice…………….RUN THE **** AWAY!!!


    Again tho, I never would of got this far if it wasn’t for all the info on this forum, helped me realise that I had made a HUGE mistake, so thanks all and on goes the hunt for another one in my price range!!


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