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Posts posted by paddy0d

  1. Changing to that size tyres will make the ride harsher for sure, as less sidewall to soak up the bumps. Would also think you will be more at risk of damaging your alloys over our nasty pot holed roads :thumbdown:


    On the plus side, it may give you sharper feeling turn in...


    Your speedo will read slightly higher for the same speed if you switch to these tyres... but not by much I think.

  2. Looks like half the SXOC is in this thread :D


    Ive still got a 270hp S13 convertible, a 370hp S13 and my brother has just bought a 400hp Evo, and its pretty much as the :wacko: other say - you do miss the kick from the turbo and the noises that accompany it, but for me I prefer the more linear power delivery. The Evo is almost lag free and is savage, but is very difficult to find a rhythm in (mainly as you are braking a lot coz its so fecking fast), whereas the Z seems to flow a lot better.


    Id add that for drifting the N/A delivery is streets ahead. :thumbs:


    So they get 400bhp out of 2 litres? How do they make that lag free? :wacko:

  3. I also used to have a quite heavly tunned Fiat coupe 20VT.


    I do miss the way you got a massive thump in the back as the turbo kicked, and it nearlly always shocked passengers who hadn't been in the car before :)


    The possitive is also the negative, as you don't get that frustrating lag with the 350z NA engine, and you can be much more acurate applying the throttle as the response is more instant an linear. Think the 350Z is a nice engine - it pulls really well through the rev range. Overall a much more fun driving package from my point of view :)

  4. Think the Z is a car you can have more fun with day to day on the public roads. Big torquey engine, and on the limit it's quit forgiving.

    The s2000 you have to rev the hell out of it to get the best which on public roads can get you in to trouble, and if you do push it a bit hard it's not so forgiving.


    Think on a track it may be the other way round though, with the s2000 being more rewarding?

  5. speedo's can be conservative compared to sat nav, as they have to run on tyres that have different amounts of tread, which chnages the rolling radius. How worn are your tyres? If they are close to the end, your speedo will be over reading more...



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