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Posts posted by Beavis

  1. Dodo Supernatural



    +1 But after you have applied some Blackfire Wet Diamond





    funnily enough Dave I was going to mention that when I posted. It is great stuff. Not cheap compared to when I bought it a couple of years ago but it does last. Leaves a superb glassy finish before applying was. I have to say Blackfires wax is pretty impressive too.


    I was surprised you didn't mention it Mike, after all it was you that persuaded me to get some after you started a thread about it. But yes your right its certainly not cheap!!

  2. McLaren will never win the championship with their current driver line up unless they somehow gain a massive performance advantage next year.


    +1 Had to laugh at an article in the paper this week, where it had JB quoting Mclaren should keep Perez instead of hiring Alonso. Now i wonder why that would be?

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