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Posts posted by craigo

  1. A little further north granted, but I have always had superb service from Nissan Harratts in Sheffield. They have a few 350/370 trained mechanics and have always given the impression that they care about the cars and customers. I am very picky with who deals with my car also.

  2. A little further north granted, but I have always had superb service from Nissan Harratts in Sheffield. They have a few 350/370 trained mechanics and have always given the impression that they care about the cars and customers. I am very picky with who deals with my car also.

  3. Have a look on wiggle.com I tend to use them now rather than legging it to a real shop. MTB tyres can be crazily expensive at £25 and up each, but I have just purchased a couple of Continentals from Wiggle for about £12 each I think. They seem pretty good so far anyway.

  4. That was the second time. They did a P1 for me this time last year. Can't fault them at all.

    Well worth a visit if they are local to you.



    I'm thinking of booking a P1 with them next week supplying oil, filter and plugs, how long have you used them.
  5. Had the Z given its P2 service today. Once again Harratts Sheff did a great job. Very pleased with the service. Ask for Peter on the service desk, very helpful :thumbs:

    Also had the plugs changed as the car is 5 this year. I supplied oil and plugs, so cost was a very reasonable £240.


    Its the first time I have driven the Z since about October, as its away in storage at the moment. Have to say loved driving it again. Grinning like a loon as I went for a spin over the snake pass afterwards to give it some exercise.

  6. Not gonna happen (touches wood) I respect it's power I'm not gonna be stupid in it.

    Iv wanted this car since they first came out


    Welcome ! I was in the same boat as you. Loved the 350 when it first appeared and have wanted one ever since. The usual, "what car would you love" chat got the usual replies from mates, but a "Nissan 350Z" from me Best thing I have ever bought I think.

  7. Have a search on google as there are some sites which work out the tax for you. I think one is called "car or cash", or something like that. I would also factor in things like insurance (You need full on company car cover) and tyres etc if you go it alone. You only need to damage a single tyre in a month to go badly into the red. If you go for a copmany car, just be really careful on the CO2 rating. My 2.4 Alfa nearly killed me on tax for its final year, as it was 179g or something.

  8. When did fox's become a "pest", they need to eat and have as much right to live on this planet as anything else.


    All those toffee nose twats chasing a poor fox for miles over fields only to have their blood thirsty hounds rip the poor foxy to death, They should be actually be ashamed of their so called



    Just shoot the fox and be done with it.


    Shame on all those who support "fox hunting"


    I can think of better things that need chasing across a field and then being ripped to death. Maybe one example is the toffee nose red coats. W4nkers they are.


    Glad it was banned. should stay banned FOREVER.


    Thats my rant ..........next........


    did you even read my post?


    they arent all arrogant *******, granted some are but a lot are just horse owners who want a good day out.

    its kinda like saying all football fans are hooligans who want a fight with the opposite supporters after every match


    stereotyping. and it makes you look like a fool


    I also speak as I find and I have only ever met total arrogant kn*bs.

    I would wonder why decent folk would even want to hang out with the local hunt here. I would like to think that these guys and girls are very much not the norm

  9. Coming from a country & horse riding back ground and ex pony club and British Horse Society Member I feel able to voice my opinion.

    There are plenty of other ways to deal with the fox problem - there is no need to hunt them with dogs. Unless there can be an absolute guarantee that at the end there is a humane kill then hunting should remain banned. No Master of Hounds can give this guarantee that he will get there before the pack tear the fox apart.

    Farmers go out and kill rabbits if they have a problem - they can do the same with foxes. Humane traps can also be set.

    The arguments about country jobs being lost is absolute tosh - farriers still have horses to shoe and all other jobs associated with hunting were only ever part time anyway.



    Perfectly put !

  10. I'm not against fox hunting, just the sort of people who do it, and the way they go about it.

    As a landowner I agree that foxes are a pest, but they should be kept in check in a humane way.

    We have had many run in's with the local hunt here, who are arrogant pr**ks, and think they can race across our land damaging walls even without our agreement. The last time they tried it got a little out of hand and the police had to come. I won though :teeth:

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