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Wheel Alignment


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Bought a 350z yesterday, a car from a forum member. The car is absolutely fantastic (almost).


I was offered it with either some new rays the owner had put on, or the stock GT wheels. I opted for the stock ones, and they were kindly put back on when I bought the car.


However, the car is pulling to the left slightly, so I would like to get the wheel alignment corrected.


Is there anywhere in the Northampton or Milton Keynes area people would recommend at all please?


I've been on http://www.alignmycar.co.uk/ and they have listed 'Superior Cars' and 'Tyres Northampton' as the two garages of choice in Northampton. Anyone had any experience of either please? Or anywhere esle?





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Superior cars fitted my tyres last week. I'm taking the car back in a couple of weeks for them to set up the alignment.

They have a pretty much brand new £28k's worth of Hunter machine sitting in the workshop and the owner - Paul - who operates it, used to do some racing in Holland, he won the series a couple of times, he's also a proper car enthusiast so knows his stuff.

I found them very good and would reccommend them. They will take their time to do a good job and are very knowlegable.

Tyres Northampton have fitted me tyres in the past. Quite a slick operation, but a significantly less personal service. I would reccommend them for tyres for anyone who had mint wheels and didn't mind paying that bit more for an almost no damage garantee

Finally there is Northampton Mototrsport who also have a Hunter machine. They set up a car of mine a couple of years ago. The young lad took ages to do anything, I realise there's taking your time and doing a good job, but there's also dragging your heels and stringing the job out. Beings I was paying by the hour, it cost me a small fortune and I had to take the car back a week later because it was pulling to one side. this time the boss set it up on the machine and found that the toe was way out. Needless to say I wouldn't reccommend them.

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Thanks guys. Took it down to Tyres Northampton in the end on Saturday morning. They did a very good job, and I was in and out in about 40 minutes.


Never been to a more professional looking garage either, very smart.


89.99 for a four wheel alignment using the Hunter system (plus 5% discount if you print off their online form). Seemed a decent enough price and service to me.

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