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bluetooth pairing question


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can you pair 2 phone simultaneously to the bluetooth in the car?


what i mean by that is, if me and my gf are out in the car and both our phones have bluetooth switched on, if either one of them rings will it automatically be picked up by the bluetooth module and directed through the car?? or can you only have one (i.e. the driver's phone) paired at any one time???

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I seem to remember that 5 phones can be paired to it. Not sure whether 2 can be connected at the same time is different. Don't see why not though.


Which phone it would pick to make an outbound call through the voice dial, I'm not sure. Would probably be the first one that connected.



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I never tried this with the Nissan Module but if it's like other Bluetooth car kits I've used then no. Once a phone is connected the only way to get another connected is to disconnect the first one. The 5 phones thing is it can have 5 different phones that CAN connect to it, but not all at the same time. It should have an ordered list in order of which to connect to etc

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