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Hi Xendric


I will accept that you are not sending the rear bumper back to me now as there is very little point. i really dont want you to incur any extra costs as well. i will send a new bumper to you in the next few days so 5-7 days it should be with you. Please PM your address where the bumper is going. I hope this will now put back trust in the forum and trust between me and you.


I would like to point out clearly to everyone on the forum that the contract was not between Prestige and Xendric. The contract was between UV and Xendric. I can not empasis enough that i want people to be happy with the service i provide as this company is made up of different management and directorship.


I beleive this has been long and painfull for me and Xendric and now we have finally amicably reached a resolution in the whole mattter.


Once again i appologise to everyone on the forum who thinks i was trying not to help Xendric reach a solution!


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To advise - this thread has been locked and prior posts removed.


As stated by Rik, Prestige Styling and performance is a seperate legal entity to UV Worldwide, and Riks name is only listed as a director of Prestige Styling and performance, not UV Worldwide.


Therefore based on legal advice being taken and a request from Rik, the thread has been removed bar the last post which should hopefully conclude the matter between the two parties. To avoid a reoccurence, please could Xendric and Rik either conclude this matter via PM or preferably their own email.


Please dont start any more threads on this particular matter, as they will be removed in the same manner.



350z-uk.com team

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